IGN: sticstar. Ok, I'm really confused. At the voting page (minecraftservers.org) It says I'm one of the top voters (15'th today =15 votes) However at votemv.com It says I've only voted 13 times? I'm really confused and I'm worried that this will ruin my chances of MVP this month :ah. Screenshots below.
I am completely unsure how this system works. I can never figure it out, something about having to be logged in and vote everyday but not one second earlier than you did the previous day. There have been quite a few threads about this as well as explanations in the top voter threads, maybe ask someone who has earned top voter before to find out what they do.
This thread has been inactive for more than a month, and I'm assuming the issue has been resolved. For future reference, try to be online when voting, as it doesn't always work if you're offline. Locking/archiving.