After 2 months of voting everyday, I have not appeared on the top voters? I am in England at London central time and have tried voting though forums yet I get no reward after the month of voting ( upgrades ) Any answers? much appreciated.
Have you earned the rewards from voting? Also it depends on what time you vote, the quicker the more chances you have slower your chances are minimal
There's a trick to be top voter. If you have no idea what it is then that's the reason. Most of the top voters use this trick and so they are on the top 5.
I vote everyday at 7 am ( London central time ) and always have, not sure why I have never won anything
There is a certain time every day that the voting resets, and then you are able to vote. I'll tell you the trick if you want, pm me.
Your name doesn't have to appear every day though, just in the last day. What's your timezone? I am GMT and it resets everyday at exactly 00:00 for me.
It's possible someone is voting for you on another server. Which if you want to know if we can prevent it, we can't. Moved to the correct location.
Locking as inactive. If this is still an issue create a new thread here: