You no supported my AFK Timer suggestion and now you're making one of your own? Awesome. Anyways support.
Also just to clarify: Vote party drops still includes levels but the drop rate for levels seems to be diluted with the addition of said item drops. Not enough testing yet but it seems Vote parties give 0-1 XP levels currently, and a bunch of other (usually useless) stuff.
The only reason I added that last bit was because it was the only way i_am_youtuber would support. If you look in the replies you can see it and after I changed it, he supported. I don't actually want an afk timer but if that's what it takes to bring back the level rewards then it's a small price to pay.
you do know the only reason it was changed was because people (i've seen you yourself do it) were abusing the old vp system by afk farming it. ya'll brought this on yourselves. anyways support
No support. I like the change, makes it so people who actually play progress faster in the game than the people who afk for hours.
Support, All it needs is an afk timer like others have mentioned. To be exploit proof, maybe a 10 minute timer?