1. Philip320 2. vJigglez, larchiebawld, Iam_a_Potato 3. Iam_A_Potato Asked if 1v1 with simonrock when they were in a room with vJigglez, larchiebawld, Iam_a_Potato so simon tpahere I ___EWA___, William335a I filmed xD <3 and vJigglez used /! when he was not stuck in a wall larchie hacked too. And vjigglez used /! in the video 4.
You can clearly see iam potato hacking with his anti kb and possible kill aura, although vJigglez and Larchie didn't look suspicious or anything- also /! Isn't against the rules from what I've seen/heard- everyone uses it. As for the trapping, there is no evidence of it being a 'trap' as you started recording as the fight was going on.
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