Your ingame name: Dontchallengeme The offender's ingame name: vJigglez, bwah01 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Complete and utter-disrespect.. This should NEVER be happening ingame.. Cyber-bullying , should never be allowed ingame, or be tolerated.. There's a difference between disrespect and Cyber-bullying, and they've by far crossed the line.. vJiggle was recently temp-banned (inthe last 7 days) for disrespecting in chat.. and he's at it again.. I should never be put in this situation.. /ignore works, but that doesn't stop them from saying it, and others from seeing it.. The sickening things in chat, make me want to quit the server.. it's disgusting, rude, and hurtful.. Please don't let this behavior become tolerable on this server.... Evidence/screenshots.
What server are these from and can you provide proof of this being on "said" server, as we dont have specific server report sections atm. Once I have proof of what server they will be banned.
They are on KitPvP... You can see the grass in the background.. Lol I wouldn't lie about the server, I can go back into kitpvp and take a wider screenshot.. The scenery will match.
Lol I asked because all there is is grass in the background, I was asking because you didnt specify so I didnt know where this is taking place. We dont have server report sections anymore lol :P