Welcome to the Vipers Official thread. Our leader is, @Brant Rogers and you can contact me. If you would like to join us please fill out the templates below. You are in for a raid frenzy faction by the way.Also @Brant Rogers has turned off invitations from officers so I can't exactly invite you sorry! To become a recruit please fill this copy and paste the template and answer the questions. It costs 50k and 10 power to join. The template is: What is your age: How long do you play per day?: Whats your pvp skills 1-10: Whats your skype(private msg me this if you dont want anyone to know): What is your in game name: What is your donation rank: Why do you want to join?: How much money do you have?: How much power do you have?: Are you respectful?: You wont raid bases/truced/allied facs right?: If you get a chance to see an enemy. What would you do? Kill him, or let him live: Will you ever trust IAFF,IN1NJA,UncleUrnesto?: Add anything else you want to say: To upgrade to member/officer fill in this template. Ingame name: Age: Are you active: Why do you want to upgrade: A bit you wanna add: Me and @Brant Rogers will see it as soon as possible.Thank you for reading from the Vipers!
copy and paste the template and answer the questions. The template is: What is your ign: What is your donation rank: What is your age: How long do you play per day?: Whats your pvp skills 1-10: Whats your skype(private msg me this if you dont want anyone to know): Why do you want to join?: How much money do you have?: How much power do you have?: Are you respectful?: You wont raid bases/truced/allied facs right?: If you get a chance to see an enemy. What would you do? Kill him, or let him live: Will you ever trust iaff,ininja,uncleurnesto?: Add anything else you want to say: