This may have been suggested, but we really need this. If your minecraft account gets compromised, how would you get it lobby banned? Ask a mod? Then how would the mod know its really your minecraft account? They can't as you can't log in. Its a simple suggestion, just make it like 2fa except a one time to confirm ownership of the account. Also, in the information, theres a place for "IGN". Maybe put a "verified" label there.
This has been suggested before, but we don't perm lobby ban + if someone's account was compromised and they asked us to ban it in lobby, we'd do more than just go in-game and ban it. We do background checks to see if we can verify that they are who they say they are. I'm all for adding a Minecraft Authenticator Login to the forums, like other servers do - meaning we can see eachother donor ranks, skins, whether or not we are online etc.
I know, but the posts are inactive know. You still can't be 100% sure. Ip checks are not sufficient you know + lots of people use a VPN That will be cool as well.
Support. I think this should be an optional feature, especially since some people create accounts purely for the sake of appealing, and they may already have their Minecraft account linked to their main forums account. Aside from that, I think this would be a useful addition to Mineverse.
I see what Trade is saying, but I'm still going to support as it'll only get added if it's entirely plausable anyway :p
Forgot to include this above. What about alternate accounts? Would you be able to link multiple accounts to one forums account? Can you delink an in game account from your forums? What if someone who has access to your account links it to their forums? What if your forums gets banned, deleted or you decide to use a new one?
Still Support. (If it can be properly implemented.) I think I'll try to answer this one... This is how I personally think it should/would be done. The poster of this thread and the actual Server owners have the ultimate decision though. (Think of this as a suggestion.) 1&2) A user should be able to link multiple Minecraft accounts to a singular forums account. As for alternate Forums accounts, I suggest making a verification process that enables Minecraft accounts to be linked to multiple Forums accounts at once if necessary (once verified by the original account they were linked too), or handling this situation on a case by case basis. 3&5) Delinking should be an option available to users as a simple button with a "Confirm?" message on forums... Delinking from in-game should not be allowed unless the staff have proper information to confirm that such measures are accurate and necessary to better avoid account theft. Note: If an account is linked to two accounts, it should only be delinked from each account separately, meaning one account can't delink it from a different account to avoid "Verification Theft". If this is something a user can't do for some reason, (example: deleted or banned account,) such can be dealt with by staff. 4) If this happens, it would need to be dealt with as a separate case... For starters though, no one should have access to anyone else's accounts... it's even stated in the rules: "Do not share your personal information with anyone. This includes but is not limited to IP addresses, real name, Minecraft account(s), and email accounts." - Mineverse (Link Below) If another user somehow obtained this information through some other means, refer to the "Note:" above. There are likely still some problems with this idea, but that's what's great about 'Suggestions' in a community; people can help to improve them overtime ^_^ (This comment is open to critique~)
Here is another idea. Add a section in forum settings of peoples accounts that allow them to add there account to a black-list if they think their account is compromised. The account would need to be verified before hand though. They can then turn off that setting when they have secured their account.