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  • {:VenomT's Moderator application for Op-pvp:}

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by VenomT, Dec 15, 2014.

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    1. VenomT

      VenomT Active Member

      Dec 6, 2014
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      Welcome to VenomT's staff application!

      Hello, Welcome to my moderator application :). I live in London in England and I am a very active Mineverse member on Op-pvp. I have been with this server since late December 2013 and I have met many new friends in the Mineverse community. I intend to help out by being a Moderator for Op-pvp.
      How old are you?:
      I'am currently 14 years of age and I turn 15 on the 20th of January next year in 2015. I think I am very mature for my age and i'am always helping out in the mineverse community.
      What time zone are you in?:
      My current timezone is Greenwich Mean time zone (UTC+00:00). What country do you live in?:
      I currently live in London, England with my family.
      What languages do you speak?:
      I can only mainly speak 1 language which is English but I can also speak a little Spanish. Why do you think you should become a mod?:
      I have many reasons why I think I should become a mod and I will list them below.
      Now this is the main aspect of a moderator, To help. I am very helpful on mineverse because I always help new players out with advice when they ask for pet commands etc. I also help people who are stuck in walls, I tell them to stay still and do /spawn for instance. These are just some helpful things I do on mineverse. I enjoy putting all of my effort into helping members with issues. This helps me to meet new people. I am always helping other friendly mods like 'Badlerner' for instance, I help him out by finding hackers and telling him to record and ban them. Over all I love helping people out.

      I recon that I have allot of trust within me for example; I always keep my promises and when members tell me secretive things like their Skype name , I keep it private from other players because that person doesn't want to get ddos'd. Trust is also a massive role in being a moderator, members always trust mods and look up to them as role-models.
      I'am a very active member of mineverse, not so much on the forums because I have only just got a mineverse account but in game I am on basically everyday from 5 pm- 8:30 pm. Being active would probably be the most important aspect of being a moderator. This is another good reason why I think I should be.

      I am a very honest person and I always tell the truth. Honesty is a very big key when being a moderator because it counts as help by telling the truth all the time. If your not honest and you lie, it would only make matters 10 times worse in a bad situation. I believe that i have the level of honesty to take on this role.


      Respect is a very important part of being a moderator because it is a very mature thing to present your self with when dealing with abusive players. If you didn't have respect when being a moderator, then it could result in getting a bad reputation and maybe being demoted. It is also very unwelcoming and puts a bad image on you representing the server.

      Being mature is another key feature for being a moderator because it is important not to take sides on issues etc. arguing. Moderators also use maturity to make the right decisions when dealing with abusive
      players. Maturity also shows how professional you are and it also makes people look up to you as a role model. A bad example of a moderator with no maturity would be etc. when the moderator judges a member for having a cool name or if their the moderators friend and the member is hacking and the moderator leaves them and does nothing about it. This is very
      immature and irresponsible. This is why it is important to have maturity when being a moderator and I know I have that.

      Responsible and hard working:

      I always put my optimum effort into helping players out and doing what I need to do. I am always constantly finding something new to focus on for instance yesterday when the OP-pvp update came out, My target now is to make a really op sword without knock-back. When I complete my targets I always feel proud because I have put all of my effort into it but there's always room for improvement. I am also a responsible member by for example when my friends go afk when their not in the safe zone, I protect them and make sure it is my number one priority that they don't at all die.

      Being active:

      I am always on the server everyday of the week and everyday of the month, I am also starting to use the forums allot more since i got it about two days ago. Being active is a very important part of being a moderator because if you wasen' t online, you could not help anyone out withe their issues. You need to be responsible for being active or not. If your not active, it most likely will result in being demoted.

      Being a role model:
      I look forwards to being a good role model as a moderator because it will make me a proud staff member and will help me enjoy what I do more. My moderator role model at the moment who I look up to is Badlerner because he is always there for everyone and everyone likes him. He inspired me to create this application because I like helping and It looks fun what he does because he enjoys it.

      How long do you spend on the server everyday?:
      These are the times and days of the week that I come on to mineverse.
      In game:
      Monday: 4:30-9 pm
      Tuesday: 5:30-8:30 pm
      Wednesday: 5-7 pm

      Thursday: 5- 8:30 pm
      Friday: 5-10:30 pm
      Saturday: I'm on and of from 10 am until 6 pm and then I come on at 7 and stay on until 9 pm
      Sunday: 3-5 pm
      Forums:Monday: 6-7 pm
      Tuesday: 6-7 pm
      Wednesday: 5-6 pmThursday: 6-7 pm
      Friday: 6-7 pm
      Saturday: 6-7 pm
      Sunday: 6-7 pm

      Have you ever been banned in the past?:I'am going to be honest, I have been banned for hacking in early January 2014 and got unbanned in April 2014. If this makes a big difference to my support on for and againsed then I completely understand because I would have the same reaction. Anyway every mod nearly has committed a bad thing on mineverse, No one is perfect. :(
      Do you have any past experience as a moderator?:

      I do have a past experience of being a moderator on two different servers. A tekkit server and a regular minecraft server. I have also owned a couple of server which were not that popular so I do know some basic moderator commands for instance /kick /ban and /mute, If there are any others, you will have to teach me them.

      Which two servers would you like to moderate on?:

      I mainly play on OP-pvp the most but if I have to choose I would go for kit pvp.

      Thanks for taking your time to read through my moderator application, I really appreciate that. Feel free to leave a comment on what I have done well and what I could add and improve. I look forward on maybe becoming a moderator of the mineverse community. I truly believe I'am ready to become a moderator and take on the abusive players and make mineverse an better and more safe place.

      Thanks again for reading,
      Venom :):jim:
    2. mattenphew

      mattenphew Head Moderator Head Moderator Media Team Leader Competition Team Premium

      Jan 23, 2015
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    3. Electric_

      Electric_ Well-Known Member

      Nov 24, 2014
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      You posted 2 moderator apps, why did you make another mod app?
    4. Valor

      Valor Well-Known Member

      Nov 2, 2013
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      This is better than the other one, however, I rarely see you on Kit PvP. Good luck.
    5. TheOnionWarrior

      TheOnionWarrior Experienced Member

      Dec 25, 2014
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      Didn't mention your new in game name? LukeJ...
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