while i was on Mineverse Creative i teleported to Nether_griefer and he had a vault and my computer wasnt stong enough so now i cant get onto creative!!!! i love creative and thats mostly the only server i like to play on mineverse. everytime i try to get onto creative it always kicks me and I WANT TO BE ABLE TO GET ONTO CREATE ASAP if you can try to clear/ban Nether_griefer for doing this and to other people! i tried talking to him on My sister's acount but he wont listen and wont clear his plot so i can get back onto creative!!!!! I WANT TO BE ABLE TO GET ONTO CREATE ASAP
If you are near an item then get the tp to spawn item in the shop under extras. http://shop.mineverse.com/category/105731 It is free.
Nether_Griefer said its like a mod and something else but i dont know but he doesnt want to clear his plot so i keep being kicked from creative!!1 IWANT CREATIVE BACK im by something but i dont know what (the mod like gives you like 100+ god items) i cant see my inventory so i dont know if i havesomething in my inventory oor not
Ok.. What is your ign. I am going to get the tp to spawn for you. If it doesn't work I will get the clear inventory one.
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