I always read it as StarKiller, and me being the star wars fan that I am, was like "Oh hey that was Luke's original name"
Torchwood = Popular BBC Tv show RC = Red Crucible - Once popular shooter game that I was tank at 'Torchwood RC' Became my youtube channel for RC vids Then when I made my MC acc I remove the space = TorchwoodRC :D
Disc dog is a dog sport. I have 11 dogs. Why not make it discdog1000? My original username was going to be Cheetah25, but that was already taken. Plus I was like 10.
VizardAnon "Vizard" (or "Visored" in direct english translation) means masked army. Masked Army Anonymous = VizardAnon, which is already a pretty sweet name. This name was my friend's old screen-name for everything. He was unfortunately ran over by a drunk driver when we were outside playing catch. I was 4, he was 6. I kept that name with me for 8 years now, and it stuck when I went from flash games to multiplayer games.
All my ings: levispouwen xUltaPvP Lightning__PvP HypedDino zDino_ HypedSquad Dinooooooooooooo FadeFun ImAWoman :>
My first *psn* was xGoonies from my big brother then I made an account ShonJ after a year or so I ended up getting tired of the name ShonJ and I started useing xGoonies again. my brother then changed the email cause I was dropping his K/D/R on MW2. so I then needed to make a new account so I thought of Skoony.
sRm_sNiiPeR_b4 was my first name, my friend let me use his account. I then changed it to ItsSniiper because he stopped playing, and I like sniping so y nt