Support, completely active on forums in MV it's self, he's very familary with the rules and has been on the server for a long time. He's like a mod to me already, I send him videos and screenshots to get players banned and he puts them up for me. Would love to see him as a mod. This Application is fantastic.
I've never had an issue with you as a teammate, other than when you punch me with a steak repetitively and make me want to cut your fingers off, but you've never betrayed or been one to argue in chat. You've always portrayed the traits mentioned in the application, and I think if given time in the position, you could make the best of it. I wish you the best of luck. :3 Support.
Thanks so much YoShadow! <3 Thanks Klutzy!!! Thank you!!! DCM, I'm honestly lost for words like thank you soo much it means a lot especially coming from you!! <333