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  • [USA]TheNoobSlayer_ Mod App[Creative & Infection]

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by Budderboy2004, Mar 21, 2015.


    Do you think I should become a mod

    1. Yes, I think you should become a mod.

      3 vote(s)
    2. No, I don't think you should become a mod.

      10 vote(s)
    3. Sorry, I'm going neutrual on this one.

      4 vote(s)
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    1. Budderboy2004

      Budderboy2004 Active Member

      Jun 15, 2014
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      images.jpg Before reading DON'T consider: images.jpg

        • Is this player a donor?
        • Is this player a good builder? (MODERATORS DON'T GET /GAMEMODE)
        • Does this player give out lots of free stuff and enchants?

      Hello, My name is Anthony.
      Others might know me by shadytreeduo or TheNoobSlayer_.
      The reason why I want to become a mod is because it is a life time dream.
      I have been putting at least 1 mod report a year.
      Or more, I have wanted to be a mod since I was 8 years old.
      Those who support me on my mod app, I appreciate it and hope you guys stay toasty XD.

      How old are you?

      What is your in-game name?
      TheNoobSlayer_ or shadytreeduo.
      (Please don't find my name offensive).

      What timezone are you in?
      Central Time Zone - (UTC-06:00).

      What country do you live in?
      Memphis, TN (Tennesee).

      What languages do you speak?
      I only speak English.

      Why do you think you should become a mod?
      How Helpful is this player?

      I am very helpful when it comes to request and other things such as abuse etc.
      When people need help they come to me for things such as players language, profanity,

      other players hacking, threats. And other things as well. I will use my mod ability's when I need to and I will take action when It is necessary, 2 things about me is that I put myself first when it matters and I put myself last when it matters. I'm good with making my friends and enemy's sometimes, But mostly I try my best to avoid trouble on this server. I love helping people to on the server because it makes me feel motivated to do other things that I really need or want to do, or to help more players that are new to certain parts of the server. I think the server needs more moderators cause i'm on 24/7
      when other mods barely go on. So I think I'm helpful (In my opinion) and if you haven't seen me in-game that doesn't mean you wont or I am a bad person, so please don't assume i'm just not a good person just because of my lack of skill or time being played in-game. I am Hard working,
      Fun , Easy going, Open minded, Intelligent, I love helping others a lot, I can be well read by other players and mods etc, I am kind, I am not a bad person, I don't lie unless it it a personal question asked and I keep my word on some respects, I can be relied on by other friends and players, I care about other players and friends. This is just a list of some pf the things I am, and i'm sure lots of other players have the exact personality that I just listed above.

      Is this player mature?
      I am very mature when it comes to lots of things, Other players just argue about stuff that is stupid like bragging about stuff or saying hurtful things to players cause they killed someone in PVP areas. I think that maturity is an important part of anyone's mod application. It is a skill that people need to learn in-game to connect better with other players so if your a 13 year old boy that acts like a 5 year old really needs to work on there maturity skills. I am very mature in-game and in real life and I have hit puberty a while ago and I am starting to mature and care more for people in-game such as friends new players donors and mods. So if your asking is this player mature I am mature and others might not think that because they haven't seen me in-game doesn't mean you don't have to support me or think i'm a bad person or I am non mature.

      Is this player kind to others.
      I am very kind to other players and I don't really like cussing at all, because it brings hatred towards you and those who swear and use profanity against other players should be warned or even out of excitement it still shouldn't be used and some players just randomly swear not out of anger or happiness
      just out of random nothingness and someone needs to be there to stop most of the bad things that go on in different parts of the server and that is why I think that it is a good idea for someone to only moderate 2 servers cause someone will be moderating 2 different ones then you (Maybe). But I am mature and I am kind.

      Does this player have respect for other players?
      I have respect for lots of people on mineverse especially moderators cause if it wasn't for them then this server would have gone downhill along time ago and other players I do have respect for and on some respects other players and friends can sometimes be like family to me cause of the amount of respect given towards them or the respect they have for me and that is what most players need to have in order to be a good person on mineverse, I have lots of respect towards players including my enemy's although I might hate my enemy's I still need to forgive them cause that is what a mature person would do. So if you are wondering is this player a respectful player and can he respect me and can I respect him, the answer is yes
      and if you haven't seen me in-game doesn't mean that I don't have respect for you, I also think that respect for other players can get you to better places and gets you more respect and other players can see the amount of respect you have towards other players and they start to respect you. Therefore you get to know more people and you get more friends.

      Is this player honest to others?
      I am very honest with other players and I don't lie unless it's about something personal and if its offensive against someone I know, I am honest to lots of players but sometimes i'm even honest to my enemy's and i'd admit bad things I do sometimes but I rarely do anything bad such as cheat or hack . Because the only time I have ever hacked when I was little and thought that all the cool kids were hacking but it wasn't on this server it was on another non popular server along time ago, witch that server is probably shutdown do to the lack of players but that doesn't matter. What does matter is if I am honest and I am honest to lots of people especially mods because they have more power over me and I respect them so that they can respect me for respect for other players (I know that might sound tricky) but I am honest when it comes to minecraft and mineverse-(The best server ever).

      How long can you be active on the server everyday?
      My Weekly Schedule
      Sunday: 2:30-5:30
      Monday: 3:30-5:30
      Tuesday: 3:30-5:30
      Wednesday: 3:30-5:30
      Thursday: 2:30-5:30
      Friday: 8:30 P.M-9:30 A.M
      Saturday: 1:00-8:50

      How long have you been playing Mineverse?
      I have been playing ever since the start, To put that into perspective I have been playing for 2-3 years.
      My proof: Its 2015 right? I have been playing ever since 2012. So in other words I have been playing for a long time now.

      Have you ever been banned in the past?
      Yes, Now don't say no support cause you've been banned in the past, Cyp said that it doesn't matter if you have been banned 1 or half a year ago cause it was in the past, You think i'm lying? Here is the link, remember read the whole thing:http://www.mineverse.com/threads/supporting-applications-how-to-judge-an-applicant.8047/ .But now I am currently not banned on any of the servers.

      Do you have any past experience as a moderator?
      Yes, I am a Admin on 2 other servers but this server means a lot more than the other 2 servers i'm an admin on, But on this server I do have experience cause people have come to me asking for help plenty of times that I can't remember how many times I've been asked.

      Which two servers would you like to moderate the most?
      I would love to moderate creative and infection, Reasons: Cause Most of my friends are there and I'm best at infection and I love building things and expressing my imagination.

      Thanks to those who support my mod
      and remember
      toasty XD.
      Last edited: Mar 21, 2015
    2. Dark

      Dark Experienced Member

      Feb 8, 2015
      Likes Received:
      I'm supporting this! Good luck! I'm gonna have toast soon so I will stay TOASTY!
    3. Scorv

      Scorv Gaming Warlord Premium

      Jul 29, 2014
      Likes Received:
      No support. You lie:eh
    4. Scorv

      Scorv Gaming Warlord Premium

      Jul 29, 2014
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      When did you start playing mineverse?
    5. Budderboy2004

      Budderboy2004 Active Member

      Jun 15, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Since there was only 2 games you could play on it.
    6. Scorv

      Scorv Gaming Warlord Premium

      Jul 29, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Which was the year of?
    7. Budderboy2004

      Budderboy2004 Active Member

      Jun 15, 2014
      Likes Received:
      I was playing ever since 2012
    8. Scorv

      Scorv Gaming Warlord Premium

      Jul 29, 2014
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      You're also very mean to players, and you're not active.

      (Edit:This was a test, not a real accusation.)
      Last edited: Mar 21, 2015
    9. Scorv

      Scorv Gaming Warlord Premium

      Jul 29, 2014
      Likes Received:
      For your information, that was a test.

      For one you're not open to taking criticism and deny accusations, you should instead be saying that you will work on making yourself better.

      And just because you're an "active member" doesn't mean you're active, you can get Active member by making an account and leaving it for 4 months and post 30 messages. Its not that hard to get.
    10. Scorv

      Scorv Gaming Warlord Premium

      Jul 29, 2014
      Likes Received:
      I just edited it to that post. And I didn't accuse you of going off line for 4 months, I was just explaining active member is easy to get
    11. Scorv

      Scorv Gaming Warlord Premium

      Jul 29, 2014
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      Rating my "test" (it was a test, it wasn't true, I even edited it in) disagree shows your immaturity, and that you can't take criticism.
    12. kriscraft26

      kriscraft26 Active Member

      Sep 27, 2014
      Likes Received:
      No Support Your really mean on infections
    13. Budderboy2004

      Budderboy2004 Active Member

      Jun 15, 2014
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      No it doesn't it shows that you just said that someone was mean and inactive although they werent and I didnt know it was a test and what does criticism have to do with my mod application and being a mod? and a dissagree just means I dissagree with what you said it doesnt mean I'm not immature cause if that was the case then lots of people who say thier mature wouldnt be
    14. Budderboy2004

      Budderboy2004 Active Member

      Jun 15, 2014
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      How can I improve that kris26?
    15. kriscraft26

      kriscraft26 Active Member

      Sep 27, 2014
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      By being more nice and be helpful and not just yell at people. Also you can improve that by not saying GET REKT NOOBs
      and saying YOU SUCK.
    16. Budderboy2004

      Budderboy2004 Active Member

      Jun 15, 2014
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      I didn't say that at all!
    17. kriscraft26

      kriscraft26 Active Member

      Sep 27, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Yes you did
    18. Budderboy2004

      Budderboy2004 Active Member

      Jun 15, 2014
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      Even if I did it would be towards my friends and they'd know its a joke not real rage or happiness
    19. Scorv

      Scorv Gaming Warlord Premium

      Jul 29, 2014
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      Mods need to be able to take criticism, they need to be open to suggested improvements by others.

      The whole point of the test is to see how you react, you're not suppose to know It's a test until after
    20. Budderboy2004

      Budderboy2004 Active Member

      Jun 15, 2014
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      Mod's need to be able criticism, What does that mean and you could have just said to improve your mod app
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