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  • [USA] thegrimreaper5 Mod Application

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by Grim, Nov 6, 2013.

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    1. Grim

      Grim Active Member

      Nov 5, 2013
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      How old are you? I am 10 years old, but I think age shouldn't matter in the moderating business.

      Your in-game name: thegrimreaper5

      What timezone are you in? My time zone is UTC-O:8OO, so Pacific Time Zone.

      What country do you live in? I live in the United States of America.

      What is your gender? I am a male. Maybe :P

      What languages do you speak? I speak English and Chinese.

      Why do you think you should become a mod?
      I think I should be a mod because:
      -I have proper grammar and spelling
      -I am quite active, I play 1 hour on weekdays and 3+ on weekends
      -I am nice to everyone
      -I do not lose my "cool" , or get mad very easily
      -I know basic moderator commands
      -I know how to break up fights
      -I know when to warn someone, and when to issue a greater punishment
      -I almost never swear during chat, I know that there are young kids (like me) on the server
      -I have a Skype so I can contact other staff members when in need
      -I have my own server that I deal with
      -If I get the job here, I will give up most of my time on my server to help Mineverse
      -I know that being a moderator is a huge job, especially with the 500-700 people everyday, it can get pretty spammy
      - I play all games on Mineverse, from KitPvP to BVZ, so I can moderate all of them each
      -I am a quick learner, I think I am capable of learning the moderator's responsibilities fast
      -My mom says I need to be more responsible :rolleyes:
      -I don't ragequit
      -I'm not in it for the commands, I'm in it for the ability to help
      -I have a average of 30 WPM

      How long can you be active on the server everyday?
      Monday: 6:00- 7:00
      Tuesday: 6:00-7:00
      Wednesday: 7:00-8:00 (Guitar Practice from 6-7)
      Thursday: 6:00-7:00
      Friday: 9:00- 10:00 (Tennis from 6:30 to 8:30)
      Saturday: Any time I want
      Sunday: Any time I want

      This is my basic schedule of computer-time. Sometimes, it might change.

      How long have you been playing Mineverse? I have been playing Mineverse ever since it has stopped and been re-created. I heard about it on that one thread on the Skyblock Forums who was complaining to Noobcrew about how his Butter Hall he was building in Creative Plots was lost and all that stuff. Noobcrew replied and said Mineverse was being recreated, this time with the IP mineverse.com. After I saw that, I started playing it.

      Do you have any past experience as a moderator? As mentioned above, I am Co-Owner on a server and I have to deal with complaints, griefers, spammers, etc.

      Thank you for baring with this fairly long application, if you read it all, thank you and if you skipped it, thanks for looking at this thread, I guess. All constructive criticism and comments are fine with me. Again, thank you for taking our time to read my application.

    2. Laura_or_is_it

      Laura_or_is_it Well-Known Member

      Oct 12, 2013
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      Nice app, support.
    3. so2315

      so2315 Experienced Member

      Oct 12, 2013
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