oh. you re-opened it. ;D I still can't support fully, and I think you know why... Sorry, good luck though. <3
I recall you acting like a bit of an attention wh*re and I recall you assuming things, but let's not get into that. Otherwise, you were splendid. You've my vote.
I am sorry to get into the support, but in order to support, you need to think that he is worthy, with doubts, that isn't s a support. This is your opinion, not mine, but I am just stating. Have a nice day, Franco
Support. It seems like a lot of people trust in you, and it seems they have a good reason. I had quit Mineverse by the time you got mod, but it looks like you were an active, and mature mod. I do not know the reason for your resignation/demotion, but it looks like you are ready for the position again. I have only seen you a couple times in game (timezones no doubt), but of the few times I have seen you, you seemed like a nice and funny guy. I cannot judge fully how well you did as mod because, like I said, I had quit by this time, but I feel you would do great as Mod now. All in all, support.
~You can be a prick ~You can hella rude ~You can be a moody ~You can be an attention Wh*re You can be many more worse things. But the reason I support is because I know you have a great side to you that I have had the pleasure of seeing before, and that you have great experience in moderating.
I would like to apologize for not answering to most of you. Half of the time, I don't know what to say. I don't feel that a "thank you" can express how much I actually appreciate you guys commenting. Thank you all, though. Even if you haven't supported, thank you for viewing my application, and thank you for submitting your opinion.