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  • [usa] OlympianMC's mod app

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by OlympianMC, Aug 21, 2014.

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    1. OlympianMC

      OlympianMC Active Member

      Aug 2, 2014
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      How old am i?
      I am 14 years old turning 15 on June 7th.
      Whats my in-game name?
      My in-game name is OlympianMC but almost everybody calls me "oly"
      What time zone am i in?
      Pacific timezone
      What country do you live in?
      i live in the united states California
      What language do i speak?
      i can speak English and Russian (i am from Russia)
      Why do you think you should be a mod?
      Well, i think i should be a mod because i have past experience with server ownership and i am very friendly. and, i can help the server in almost every category needed.i can help with catching hackers and I can help the community in anyway possible.
      How long can you be active on the server?
      depending on the situation i can be on after school around 4 pm to like 7 pm and on the weekends almost all day.
      How long have you been playing on Mineverse?
      is there even a way to check i guess i have been playing for a long time, I am new to the forum though.
      Do you have any past experience as a moderator?
      i currently own a server at the moment not (very popular) i have had some people join so i know how it is. i also was head mod on another server.
    2. VaMeSa123

      VaMeSa123 Well-Known Member

      Mar 21, 2014
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      1. Space out your questions, so it's not hard to read
      2. Please fix your gammer
      3. Add more information on why you should become a mod
      4. Tell us about you, as well as your personality
      5. Get to know the server better, and get more known
      Good luck
    3. _ethannonnies_

      _ethannonnies_ Active Member

      Jul 9, 2014
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      Same, Support, but space out your questions from your answers; make them a different font or color, and put some more detail into why you would want to be a mod. They look for that the most. And I wish you the best of luck <3
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