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  • [USA] Niteshead's Moderator Application

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by niteshead, Dec 5, 2013.

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    1. niteshead

      niteshead Experienced Member

      Dec 5, 2013
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      How old are you? 16 turning 17 in less than 2 months :)Your in-game name: niteshead
      What timezone are you in? EST
      What country do you live in? USA
      What is your gender? male
      What languages do you speak? Only English at the moment but next year in school, I will be taking French or Spanish
      Why do you think you should become a mod? I think I should be given a chance as Mod because I want to help the server in any way that i can. I like this server and I want to help it prosper. I'm mainly applying for the prison server seeing as that is just about the only server i play on but if needed i can always play on the other servers as well. I'm a semi-active person now that i can play WoW and other games with other friends but I still find at least some time for Minecraft and I always spend that time on this server. I want to help other Mods and staff enforce the rules as I have seen many of them broke on just the prison server alone and I almost NEVER see any staff on the prison server, something I could easily fix if I were Mod. I am told that I am a fair and considerate person in my past dealing with rule-breakers on past servers. I always give a punishment that I believe is fair, no matter if it's my best friend I'm punishing, and if I'm ever unsure, I always postpone judgement until I can get in-touch with other staff that may have dealt with a similar situation.
      How long can you be active on the server everyday? I am not on as much as I used to be but I try to squeeze in t least an hour a day.
      How long have you been playing Mineverse? Since before it was closed down and started back up. I remember the old server hub with the skyblock.net like spawn, how it would always be flooded with water from the server portals, and always trying to safely get to the land below the spawn (never made it without dying btw lol). I remember always playing on the Factions server with all the other players and always enjoying the fun of raiding someone and fighting off enemy raiders. I was sad to see it go but was extremely happy when my cousin, whom I had introduced to the server before in restarted, told me that the server had been started back up again. :)
      Do you have any past experience as a moderator? I have loads of experience in all kinds of staff positions. Ranging from Helper (or Trial-Mod) to Developer. I was Helper on a server for the longest time until it became a multi-server much like this and I became Mod on one of the other servers. I was Mod on 3 different servers until they all came to a close due to lack of funds sadly. I was once admin on a server and was just about the owner's assisstant because I was always on whenever he needed me and I always knew how to get done whatever he needed done. I was Developer on a friend's server that he eventually gave to his co-owner because he lost interest in the blocky world of Minecraft sadly.

      I would like to thank EVERYONE who even just reads over my application as it means a lot to me that you took the time out of your day to read this. I know that I wont get the chance to thank every one of you as I won't know who most of you are so I am saying it now. Thank You. For those who I can find out who you are, I hope to see you online! :)
    2. XxxCaitlyn10xxX

      XxxCaitlyn10xxX Active Member

      Nov 1, 2013
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    3. niteshead

      niteshead Experienced Member

      Dec 5, 2013
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      Thanks :)
    4. Laura_or_is_it

      Laura_or_is_it Well-Known Member

      Oct 12, 2013
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    5. pyrodraken

      pyrodraken Active Member

      Dec 4, 2013
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      Good luck to you :cool:
    6. niteshead

      niteshead Experienced Member

      Dec 5, 2013
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      Thanks guys
    7. so2315

      so2315 Experienced Member

      Oct 12, 2013
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      Good luck.
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