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  • [USA] MrSTE4LURG1RL Moderator Application

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by MrStealYourGirl, Nov 1, 2013.

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    1. Charlie20132001

      Charlie20132001 Experienced Member

      Nov 24, 2013
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      Okay, i rest my case.
    2. MrStealYourGirl

      MrStealYourGirl Experienced Member

      Oct 12, 2013
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      lol better?
    3. MrStealYourGirl

      MrStealYourGirl Experienced Member

      Oct 12, 2013
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      All joking aside, how is the font too small? This is one of the larger fonts...
    4. so2315

      so2315 Experienced Member

      Oct 12, 2013
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      Why do you think you should be a mod? I believe that I should be a moderator for many reasons.
      • I am very organized with my computer. I always save all of my files and back up my computer regularly to prevent losing any important information.
      • I am a very committed player. I spend around four hours a day playing on Crew's servers.(This includes net, org, MV, hellblock, etc.
      • I have great communication skills. I am able to calm anyone down in the matter of minutes. I took an online course in public speaking and carried it out it school taking a short class on the art of public speaking. Because of these two classes, I make sure that I am always careful with my words in order not to offend anyone or hurt anyone's feelings.
      • I make sure to enforce rules and make sure I do not break them to set a good example for new players.
      • I am mature. I know where the line is between having fun and being abusive.
      • I love helping players. One of the reasons I started playing multiplayer was to be apart of a community and help new players out.
      • I am friendly by greeting new players and by saying hello to players that I know and just joined the server.
      • I type quickly. I average around 40 WPM and am usually one of the first people to answer a question

      What qualifications do you have? I am very aware of most essentials commands such as ban, tempban, kick, mute, socialspy, all the useful commands that I would need to moderate a server :p
      I am very smart and intelligent. I am on my school's honor roll and am in my school's National Junior Honor Society. To be in this, you must have an average of 92+
      How long can you be active on the server everyday? As stated above, I am active on all of Crew's servers for around four hours a day. I am on the forums almost all day long. I get on whilst in school sometimes and make sure to go on and check out new threads, new ban appeals, moderator applications, etc.

      What languages do you speak? English as a main language. I also speak German and am currently studying Spanish in middle school. I also took a short online course in French.

      Do you have any past experience as a moderator? Yes, I am a moderator on Snozzlebot's server. I was also Admin on robbiedem's server where I learned a lot of commands. Finally, I was a moderator on a different server until I resigned as I didn't like the owner and thought that three servers was a bit too much to moderate. I am also currently a TMod on org.

      All of those answers were just copied from your .org application... I am not very happy you didn't take the time to actually fill out the application instead of just copying & pasting...
      Last edited: Dec 8, 2013
    5. Charlie20132001

      Charlie20132001 Experienced Member

      Nov 24, 2013
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      copied? :O
    6. MrStealYourGirl

      MrStealYourGirl Experienced Member

      Oct 12, 2013
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