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  • [USA] Mookiezzx's Moderator Application [Infected] [Skygrid]

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by Tsunderes, Feb 15, 2015.

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    1. Tsunderes

      Tsunderes Experienced Member

      Apr 10, 2014
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      How old are you? 12
      Your in-game name: Mookiezzx
      What timezone are you in? Eastern timezone (ET)
      What country do you live in? United States of America
      What languages do you speak? English, learning spanish
      Why do you think you should become a mod:

      ReliableNo matter what the occasion, I always try my hardest to make an appointment. Whether it’s a skype call, or minigame match, I always get to the place on time. People can count on me to be on at the exact time that I give them.

      Non-afkI know that a lot of moderators just come online, so it counts to “activity” in game, but I think it is wrong. A moderator’s duty is to help players and not just sit around doing homework, not even watching chat while someone hacks in front of your screen without you being able to ban them because you aren’t watching.

      ResponsibleI know that sometimes, a friend of yours will hack and you don’t know what decision to make, to do the right thing, or what a friend will do. I will take no mercy on the hacker and instantly ban them, because cheating is an offense that should be taken seriously and not is something that you can easily get away with by being “friends” with someone.

      SpellingMy spelling is quite accurate and this helps in situations where I have to tell someone to stop hacking or give somebody a warning. If they can’t read what I had typed, then it was no good to even try to type something in the first place.

      Fast TypingI’m just going to tell a quick story to explain this one. Before I played minecraft, I cheated computer exams by secretly looking at the keyboard when the teacher wasn’t looking. For some reason, playing minecraft has helped me develop typing skills and I can type fluently now.

      Real hacksI know what hacks look like and how to tell the difference between lag and hacks. I know that in infection, if you relog, your character will respawn in the same place that you did and a duplicate of you will copy your moves. This may look like you are flying, but I’m pretty sure no hacks allow you to climb ladders while flying in midair, when there are no ladders. I also know that sometimes, people lag or have bad connection and may tank multiple hits before “teleporting” (aka lagging all the way to a different place in the map). This may appear to look like anti-knockback, but I can tell the difference.

      CalmIf a player insults me, for example saying that I don’t deserve mod, I’m not going to just instantly ban them. I will just ask them to politely, “Stop insulting staff/the server”. If not, this will lead to a mute and a ban if necessary.

      Generous I love giving items that I have to others that don’t have anything. On infection, I always give my kit xp to either a teammate, or a random person, whoever asks first. On skygrid, I always love to give extra cobblestone or iron to the people that don’t have kits or can’t obtain the resources easily.

      FriendlyI love meeting new people. I may not always team with all of them, but I love talking to them and having a good time. The reason I come on Mineverse and don’t leave is because I have such great friends. I would love to meet new faces, and I gladly welcome everyone.

      Serious Even though I may be friendly to some players, I will not make jokes and become friends with hackers, people that disrespect others, or spammers. I can always keep a serious tone and attitude, as this reflects my personality in real life.

      Patient - I know that there are always two sides to a story, so I always will listen to both sides. I won’t ban a person right away just because the first person telling the story sounds more “truthful”. I will calmly listen/read to both sides of an argument in case of scamming, griefing, etc.

      TrustworthySome horrible moderators out on other servers will just let a person slide past if they are friends with them. I will not tolerate this because hacking is wrong, and if you need to install other clients just so you can be “good” at a game, that’s … I won’t let ANY of my friend slide past if they use other clients that are not allowed.

      Shortage of moderatorsYin is the only moderator on skygrid, and even he can’t be on twenty –four hours a day to watch a whole gamemode by himself. Since the global moderators rarely ever come on, I believe it should be my duty to moderate when nobody else is on. If there is someone else on, I would be happy, but moderating alone would be just fine by me. Skygrid is lacking moderators, and for my timezones, I rarely see moderators on infection anymore, so I think it would really help for me to be added to the moderator list.

      How long can you be active on the server everyday? 2-3 hours
      How long have you been playing Mineverse? Since I got minecraft, in Janurary of last year
      Have you ever been banned in the past? Yes, for mute evading. I hope you all will forgive me for this, as I deeply regretted every minute that I was banned.
      Do you have any past experience as a moderator? No, but hopefully, Mineverse will give me a chance to be the first server that I moderate on :D
      Which two servers would you like to moderate? (Recommended pick the two servers you play the most) Infection and Skygrid
    2. KingAlex

      KingAlex Well-Known Member

      Jun 25, 2014
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    3. Electric_

      Electric_ Well-Known Member

      Nov 24, 2014
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      I'm not supporting just for 3 reasons:

      - On your profile it says your 14 when you mentioned your 12.
      - Also, don't tag anyone and don't force anyone especially moderators to support your mod app.

      If you want people to support your mod app, you have to show them on how you act and how you can improve.
      From now on, good luck!
    4. HotBritishNoodle

      HotBritishNoodle Experienced Member

      Jul 31, 2014
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      25% Support
    5. Agent

      Agent Well-Known Member

      Sep 2, 2014
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      Half support.
      Reasons for supporting:
      • Active in-game on skygrid and infection
      • Kind
      • Trustworthy
      Reasons for not supporting:
      • You tagged people in your application
      • Not sure if you are mature enough
      • Grammatical errors
      • Age is different on forum account then said on application (Making me think you lied about your age to seem older)
    6. 1991

      1991 Experienced Member

      Jan 31, 2014
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      You tagged. Half support. Never tag. Especially mods. 50%.
    7. SSMH

      SSMH Legendary Member

      Jun 30, 2014
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      I can't support this.
      1. You tagged 6 people, of 1 of them is a mod. Tagging people isn't really a great start to an application.
      2. I feel your application is still a little too short, you could add details of yourself(if you want) and maybe add why you want to moderate the 2 servers you picked.
      3. I don't think you're mature enough :(. You sometimes boast about yourself on how 'op' you are on infection, in multiple threads.
      4. As a mod, you should be helping people on the gamemodes you have picked. I don't think you help others, all you do is talk to your friends(my opinion).
      5. Grammatical Errors in your application.
      Good luck.
    8. Scorv

      Scorv Gaming Warlord Premium

      Jul 29, 2014
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      90% Support!:)
      I see you on infection a lot, you're almost always on when I am, unless you're on another game mode. :>You're application is well organized and we'll coloured.:happy:
      You are very very very very, etc friendly to everyone on infection, although there are the times especially when someone starts calling you names and you react in a calm, but negative way.

      Stuff you need to do.
      Help more people out when they ask for it.
      As other people have said, don't tag people to your mod app. But I'm sure they got the message through to you.
      Personally, I don't care if someone makes a grammar error, as everyone thinks differently. But many people do care so try to fix those.:write:

      Now the reason I support , even though there are things you need to work on. I have known you long enough to know that you will try your best to to fix the things that people have mention on why they "don't support".

      Good luck:)
    9. Tsunderes

      Tsunderes Experienced Member

      Apr 10, 2014
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      Can someone explain to me why tagging is bad? I don't want them to support, but if they do, I would be happy. I just want their opinion on my application, that's all.
    10. Tsunderes

      Tsunderes Experienced Member

      Apr 10, 2014
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      I typed it in Microsoft Word, so it migh have auto-corrected to different words that I didn't want to use. I'll double check it.
    11. SSMH

      SSMH Legendary Member

      Jun 30, 2014
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      It's like 'forcing' people to view your application, as they get alerts when you tag them and they would obviously want to see why they have been tagged. I would recommend that you let your friends find your app themselves(Or you can PM them).
    12. ImTopmass

      ImTopmass Boss Member

      Jun 28, 2014
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      I honestly thought you were 14.. No support.
    13. Valor

      Valor Well-Known Member

      Nov 2, 2013
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      No support. Your application is very nice, however, I have seen you being slightly immature. Good luck.
    14. Electric_

      Electric_ Well-Known Member

      Nov 24, 2014
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      If you tag someone/anyone, that means you want them or want to force them supporting your app.
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