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  • (USA) Moderator Application (Mineverse)

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by Rose, Mar 15, 2015.

    1. Rose

      Rose Active Member

      Mar 15, 2015
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      :cp:Rose's Mod Application:wacky:

      How old are you?
      I am 12 years old. Please excuse my young age. I am very responsible because of my wonderful parents.

      In game name?

      Eastern 5:00 (Canada USA)
      I live in the United States of America
      I speak only one language (sadly) I am looking forward to learning Spanish or Korean later in my life.
      Why should you become a mod?
      I would love to become a mod because it could teach my more responsibility. I am great at enforcing rules because I don't like seeing anybody get hurt. I also would love to help new players who join the server and players who have played since it's come out. Becoming a mod would be not only a privilege but a wonderful experience. I don't do this for the power, I do this to help kids in need and keep Mineverse at it's best. What is it's best? You may ask. The best server! The server everybody talks about because of how much fun it is! I would like to keep everybody safe and nobody in harms way.
      Here's what I would most likely do:
      Monday: 2-4 hours
      Tuesday: 2-4 hours
      Wednesday: 2-3 hours (Parkour sorry)
      Thursday: 2-4 hours
      Friday: 3-5 hours
      Saturday: 3-6 hours
      Sunday: 3-5 hours

      How long have you been playing Mineverse?
      Ever since my cousin has shown me this I've fell in love! I've been playing for 3-4 months.
      Have you ever been banned?
      I've never been banned because I wouldn't like to see anybody get hurt (mentally)
      Experience as a mod?
      I have never been a mod but I would love to have this be my first time.
      2 Servers you would like to mod
      I would like to mod Creative and SkyWars.

      Additional Information:
      Although I am 12 I am more responsible than you think. Also another note. You may think that 2 -5 hours are short. When a boy was on the SkyWars server he block glitched and got stuck inside of the glass. We looked all around on the server and not one moderator was found. I would dedicated almost my entire day helping more kids. If you would trust me to become a mod I will promise you that you won't regret it.

      More Mod Information:
      I get straight A's and have been on high honors. I can be very serious at the appropriate times and goofy/silly at normal times. If there was ever a bully or anybody who did not follow the rules I would act very calmly. Then I would simply warn them. If they did it again I would kick them. If they did it a third time I would post it on the forums.
      Last edited: Mar 16, 2015
    2. Vedrah

      Vedrah Active Member

      Mar 14, 2015
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      To start things off, you aren't active on the forums at all hence the "New Member" tag. It is a decent application but I would add a bit more detail on why you should be the next Moderator.

      // No Support

      Good Luck! :)
    3. Rose

      Rose Active Member

      Mar 15, 2015
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      What do you mean by no support again? I've been on your servers but just never your threads sooo.. Ya lol
    4. Scorv

      Scorv Gaming Warlord Premium

      Jul 29, 2014
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      No support.

      Good start.:)
    5. Dark

      Dark Experienced Member

      Feb 8, 2015
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      I am supporting this, actually. The fact that she has improved her other application, although I know that she could use the edit button, but I just feel like I should really support this.

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