I have never really seen you interact with the community. When I see that, I will reconsider my support.
Thanks! And I am on the forums all the time commenting on many things and interacting with lots of people. Many people know me but I guess you just have never seen me. Thats cool; I appreciate your feedback.
I'm reconsidering this. I have seen you in the community, just not HELPING the community. I also got messaged about rate farming, which included you. I do not know if you did it, just hear me out. No Support.
Thanks for you feedback but I did not rate farm; plus I help the community out all the time. It is your opinion and I thank you for it, but you are the only moderator that hasn't supported me but thanks for your feedback.
I have gotten nearly 25 people banned. Go through the archive and look. I get people banned for advertising, scamming, and hacking everyday. And I wasn't saying anything bad about it, I was just clearly stating a fact. Please remove the dumb rating.