B3N, I try very hard not to trash talk anymore. I have also matured a lot over time. We had rough times in the past, but I will keep improving. Thanks for the feedback.
I have seen really impressive improvement in derek thats why I feel confedent enough that he can be a mod! Good luck buddy :P
@MR_B3N_123 No im not I am supporting this because derek have been improving ever since and I can't lie he used to be annoying but now he is really informative on what to do and what not to do also I would like to put it out there no offence derek I always thought that he was a mean stupid person but he have changed his actions and his attitudes. However in total I am very amazed in @derekneugebauer HUGE change.
Thank you _u2ez_, Like I said @MR_B3N_123 , I have made progress on my maturity and attitude. I am still working on being the best I can. Anyways, Thank you for the support and the nice comment, _u2ez_.
You are clearly rude when saying this, this was from another thread by the way (Ponyknight's Application) Edit: Also change the "No, add more detail" to No Support, you're pushing people into a spot where they can't pick "No" for other reasons.
People having active member before they apply is nice but it is not required, And pony knight did not have active member. This does not mean he cannot apply but it was meant to say he should become more active on the forums. Also, I closed the poll Anyways, people are not forced to use "No" for other reasons because they are not forced to vote. But thank you for the feedback.