Greetings! After reading over your application, I believe it is a quite nicely structured app. Although I have had no previous encounters with you in game, from what I can see from what others have said, I am unsure whether you would be a good mod or not. Your application could benefit in two areas; you could add more key attributes, as well as extending why you have chosen the servers you've chose, and how they could benefit by having you as a mod. I wish you the best of luck, and I hope to see you in game eventually. Cheers, GizzBots.
@mirror234 What can be improved and if you make a list just list the main ones but thx for the 50% support
@ImTopmass I have been on infection but not that much lastly because I had school and stuff but I'm going to be on soon
Srry thought is was an I also imtomass I wasn't spamming my application I was just saying thx for the support to make sure people are happy.
Ok well.... @Xenos @KingAlex @Elric @ArgentinaBoy @Scorpio_Venom @Blocky @Rachet PS: just some Active Members that I think have useful reactions to this conversation.