Hello! I am burrbunn, and I really enjoy infection. It has been getting lots of traffic lately, so I am making a guide to playing it. Content- Playing Infection Introduction to Infection Rules of Infection Tips for Infection Playing Infection Maps- Building Judging Maps Ideas Tips Misc.- Moderators of Infection PVPing tips Glitches Glossary of Infection Terms Playing InfectionInfection: One of the most popular game modes on mineverse. The main goal is to infect as many people as possible. You use kits to earn levels, which you can then rank up. Rank up order: Rct, Pvt, PFC, LCpl, Cpl, Sgt, SSgt, GySgt, MSGt, 1stSgt, MGySgt, SgtMaj. After you rank up these and reach 120 levels, you can prestige. Prestige gives you special perks as zombies, such as bows, eggs, and armor enchantments. Here is a list of the prestiges: Prestige 1: Projectile Protection 1 for Zombie Armor Prestige 2: Blast Protection 1 for Zombie armor Prestige 3: Protection 1 for zombie armor Prestige 4: Fire aspect for zombie sword Prestige 5: Sharpness 1 for zombie sword Prestige 6: Egg (sickens enemies, so they take damage) Prestige 7: Bow and one arrow Prestige 8: 2 arrows Prestige 9: 3 arrows Prestige 10: 4 arrows There are not many specific rules, but a couple are no egg spam (don't use more than one egg per game), Pet hiding (Allowed, but it should definitely not be allowed). Maps -Maps: The main part of infection. Every match, you play in a different map, with different roflstomp spots, hiding spots, and designs. Its always fun to make infection maps. For hardcore map-makers (like myself :p), a tip is to sketch out ideas for maps. To start a map, gather some friends (or do it yourself!) and come up with an original idea. Maps like Jungles, Biomes, and Cities aren't original, so try to make your own! A couple ideas are: Abandoned Factory, Atlantis, Palace. Judging maps are just as important as creating maps. To judge a map, you need to look for hiding spots and rofl spots. Make sure the map is well designed, as well as looks good. Here is a list of maps in infection (not in any specific order) Forest, Jungle, Nether, Desert, Winter, Carnival, Caves, Mineshaft, Stronghold, Desert v2, City, Hijacked, Halloween, Towers, Nuketown, Temple. (sorry if I am missing any). Miscellaneous -Moderators make the game smooth, and fun. They catch hackers, issue bans, the normal routine. Here are some moderators for infection: @Alexa @Princess And all the other global moderators. I know I missed some, I am sorry if I missed you. Having PVP (player vs player) skills is essential for Infection survival. You must be able to use bows and weapons effectively, know when to gapple, run away, etc. Here are three tips to PVP better. 1) Practice Practice Practice! Practicing PVP skills will help you sharpen your technique. 2) Keep moving. When PVPing someone, Moving around them is helpful so you are harder to hit, and always keeping you target in sight. 3) Know how to use a bow. Bows can be tricky, but once you get the hang of it it is extremely easy. The farther away from your target, you want to aim farther above them. Remember, in infection your bow is power 10, so don't waste arrows: Your life could depend on it. Certain Glitches in infection are helpful. 2 Glitches that almost guarantee you a win is in the maps Nuketown and Desert. In Nuketown, the yellow bus near spawn is possible to glitch into. You just keep moving forward against the glass opening. Keep braking the glass (It will keep re-spawning) and move forward. Eventually, you will be inside and have a great rofl spot. In desert, there is a house directly right to spawn. With block glitching, and boosts from the zombies, you can be over the fences and be on the roof. Glossary: Rofl Stomp: A 5 kill streak, where each kill (after the first 5) gives you a special item, such as flash grenades (snowballs), extra arrows and gapples, and airstrikes (redstone torches). Airstrike: This is an item you get when you get a rofl stomp. When you place the redstone torch, it waits a second or two, then blows up, dealing damage and knockback to zombies in its area. Pet Hiding: Using the /pet (animal) and hiding in the pet. This will make you almost invincible, as you cant hit through or out of a pet.
But we already have a infection guide from 3yerrt http://www.mineverse.com/threads/how-to-infection-guide.38176/