It's a beautiful day outside. Birds are singing, flowers are blooming... On days like these, kids like you... Should be burning in hell. Verse 1 Turn around kid, it'd be a crime, If I had to go back on the promise that I made for you, so don't step over that line, Or else, friend, you're gonna have a bad time. But kids like you don't play by the rules, And guys like me, it ain't easy to be played for fools, So let's go, let the room get chiller... Let's go, DIRTY BROTHER KILLER. Chorus Go ahead and try to hit me if you're able, Guess you've figured now that mercy's off the table. I can tell you're getting really sick of trying, But I think you're just mad you keep dying. You're not gonna win, we'll be here together, Fighting in this judgement hall forever. I know you just reset each time I beat ya', But I'll always be right back here to meet ya'. I know you're made of Lo-o-o-o-ooove, lo-o-o-o-oove, lo-o-o-o-ooove. (x2) Verse 2 This is where it stops, This is where it ends. If you want to get past me, Well, you better try again. But no matter how I stall you, You don't give up your attack. Do you just like the feeling Of your sins CRAWLING on your back? Chorus Go ahead and try to hit me if you're able. You should know by now that mercy's off the table. Think that you can try to spare me like I'm some pawn? Well, you didn't spare my brother, so GET DUNKED ON! I know you made my friends all disappear, But everything they cared about is why I'm here. I am their mercy, I am their vengeance, I am DETERMINATION. I know you're made of Lo-o-o-o-ooove, lo-o-o-o-oove, lo-o-o-o-ooove. But I think I'm stronger than you. @Swiftlicious @IncaMiyuki ORIGINAL: Stronger than you-Steven Universe Lyrics: This is Garnet. Back together. And I'm never goin' down at the hands of the likes of you, because I'm so much better. And every part of me is saying, "Go get her." The two of us ain't gonna follow your rules. Come at me without any of your fancy tools. Let's go, just me and you. Let's go, just one on two. Go ahead and try and hit me if you're able. Can't you see that my relationship is stable? I can see you hate the way we intermingle, But I think you're just mad 'cause you're single, And you're not gonna stop what we've made together. We are gonna stay like this forever. If you break us apart, we'll just come back newer. And we'll always be twice the gem that you are. I am made O-o-o-o-of Lo-o-o-o-ove. O-o-o-o-of Lo-o-o-o-ove. Lo-o-o-o-ove. Lo-o-o-o-ove. This is who we are. This is who I am. And if you think you can stop me, then you need to think again. Because I am a feeling, and I will never end. And I won't let you hurt my planet. And I won't let you hurt my friends. Go ahead and try and hit me if you're able. Can't you see that my relationship is stable? I know you think I'm not something you're afraid of. 'Cause you think that you've seen what I'm made of. But I am even more than the two of them. Everything they care about is what I am. I am their fury, I am their patience, I am a conversation. I am made O-o-o-o-of Lo-o-o-o-ove. O-o-o-o-of And it's stronger than you. L-o-o-o-ove. O-o-o-o-of L-o-o-o-ove. And it's stronger than you. Lo-o-o-o-ove. O-o-o-o-of Lo-o-o-o-ove. And it's stronger than you. O-o-o-o-of Lo-o-o-o-ove. Lo-o-o-o-ove Stronger than you-Chara's response Stronger Than You ( Chara ) Lyrics Here we are again Just me and you comedian, right? With your blasters Your flashing eye You should be prepared because soon... Your last hour strikes One step left now It's almost time Show you what my DETERMINATION Has still left for you to get back to You should prepare to just die Like all your friends you'll have a really good time But guys like you are always just fools Come at me Try to kill me with your fancy tools "Let's go Now the room gets chiller" Let's go Just another killer Go ahead Kill me again I see you're able But inside you know the end can't be evaded I can tell you're really tired out of fighting But I'll even come back after dying Why not let me win? You can't dodge forever! Even if the pain is more fun together You know I will just RESET and come back newer And with every try I'm getting even faster than you are I am made of Lo-o-o-o-ooove, lo-o-o-o-oove, lo-o-o-o-ooove Lo-o-o-o-ooove, lo-o-o-o-oove, lo-o-o-o-ooove "This is where it stops" "This is where is ends" You keep telling me those words And hope I would understand But even it I hear you I won't give up my attack Can you not see the truth Or can you not see what this all meant? Go ahead Kill me again I see you're able But inside you know the end can't be evaded You think I might decide to stop if you stay patient But I am getting you with my DETERMINATION You know I made your friends all disappear ERASING all what's left This is why I'm here I will keep FIGHTING You should be DYING That is your DESTINATION I'm entirely made of Lo-o-o-o-ooove, lo-o-o-o-oove, lo-o-o-o-ooove And I'm sure I'm stronger than you Lo-o-o-o-ooove, lo-o-o-o-oove, lo-o-o-o-ooove I am stronger than you Lo-o-o-o-ooove, lo-o-o-o-oove, lo-o-o-o-ooove Lo-o-o-o-ooove, lo-o-o-o-oove, lo-o-o-o-ooove That's a wonderful idea!
Wait, I wasn't alerted for this, wtf. This is completely amazing! I love undertale and Steven universe!