its blocked because it's similar to "rape". Same situation with /unignore which is "nig" and some gamemodes prevent that command from going through.
I am pretty sure it is blocked due to the word 'rape'. Although I have no idea if the plugin can be modified to only filter 'rape', and not the full 'rapper', there is no problem with this word. Support.
Support. This word should not be filtered... I won't bother saying why it probably is since nearly everyone above me has already. The filter should really be reviewed in its entirety because this isn't the only thing that could be changed.
i think thats a bit overdramatic, like no one is actually gonna use it in a sentence as an insult? support
raper isn't even the proper term anyway (Wikipedia and some other sources say's it's still applicable)
I think the only time someone uses the word "raper" is when they make a typing error when trying to type the word reaper. It's not similar unless you make a typo people. -.- Also if someone used that as an insult I would just laugh at their grammar. Support