19 supporters... Thanks guys! You really motivate me to go the extra mile. If you have any feedback, please tell me so that I can improve this to the best it can be. That aside, I made a Skype account! If anyone wants to contact me, just message me your name.
Thanks Kuba! I really appreciate your support! Edit= Is it me, or have we reached 20 supporters! Wow, guys! Thank you all so, so much!
Looking a bit decrepit here... If it's practically dead, the moderators can happily archive it. (Please tell me though) Just here to say, I now have a tumblr! It's http://mining-the-creepers.tumblr.com/. I also have a Skype, but please tell me before you send me a request! <3 Yes, I know this is essentially a bump, but I'd like it to be known that I'm still interested in the position.