No? It's false information to say you haven't been banned validly when you have, I don't need to be an "angry child" to point that out.
No Support. Too arrogant, immature, and annoying You were also recently unbanned, which means you were banned.
You dont know me at all please get to know me before you say something as mindless as that, Dont judge a book by its cover. But hey, if thats how you think think then, whatever floats your boat.
That's a great example of your arrogance, and disagreeing with my post shows you can't handle constructive criticism
No, i agree with most people, i do. But you honestly know nothing about me as a person. I will repeat myself, get to know me first before judging me. Thats an excellent life lesson mate :rolleyes:
''you a very angry child aren't you'' ''You dont know me at all please get to know me before you say something as mindless as that, Dont judge a book by its cover. But hey, if thats how you think think then, whatever floats your boat.'' ''please think before you talk next time.'' Sorry but in my opinion this is not how I'd want a Moderator to comment on criticism. (other) Negative points: 1) Immature. 2) Arrogant. 3) You treat fire with fire. My main concern is your judgement. Good luck.
Yet again i have updated my moderator application and now will be applying to Moderate OP Prison and Factions as i now spend more time on these servers and have gotten to know the regulars more. :worm:
It's funny how people say "No support" and then you say "Thanks for your feedback" It really isn't feedback and you are only saying that because you want mod. You call me a noob on op prison and say I have no life, so no support.