Hey I was wondering if a staff member could /tpohere me out? I'm dying and I'm trapped in spawn. The only regen I have is /heal. Thanks! This is on kitpvp :(
I can't. It says "here you go!" but it won't do anything. It's useless unless you're against a fence. Thanks though. Also when Im trying to /tpa or /spawn, it takes 5 seconds so it keeps saying teleportation canceled because I am getting hurt. :(
Yes, i have had this happen to me, Just get a friend that you trust to make you join and tell them were you are then get them to hit you and kill you and take your stuff and get them to give it back... Otherwise you will need a Moderator Also if you have no one to help you i can help you if you have skype i can do it just add me and will be happy to help :D Skype: Marloodog Ps: If this has been resolved make sure to ask for it closed for [Resolved]
if your echest isn't full do /echest take off your armor and other stuff and put it in, otherwise wait for a moderator
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