Hello guys! I've been going on other servers lately, and I noticed this rank. I thought it would be neat to bring it here so here it is. {TRAINEE}With this rank you are able to: Tempban Warn And it lasts for a certain amount of time I think this would be a good idea, because you can see if someone has potential to be a good mod.
No support. this can be abused and it would get people banned for something wrong. What if you just hate the person and your like, why not just ban them, when they did nothing wrong. Maybe other servers do it but we don't need to, its fine the way it is.
Support. It's basically a test for mods to see if they can actually handle becoming a mod. But how would it be given out? Like during the next mod promotions make them all trial mods but only promote the best to full mod?
Support it would be a great way for mods and admins to test the skills of one who is actually trying to become a moderator.