Jr Mod, Helper or Trainee rank would make this server geat. After all, mineverse team needs way more staff. Support
support. having helpers is a great idea, cause the new mods just LOOOOOVE to tempban, mute, or even lobby ban for legit no reason and it's so annoying. Having helpers and or "Chat Mod" would be so much better. They would be able to see what to do on a daily/weekly basis and understand what to do in certain situations. The one thing that annoys me with mods is that they will give you the highest punishment for the smallest thing.
I don’t know if this was pointed out, but the only requirement is 3 months of experience. I honestly think mentors should be handpicked by head-mods or just be the head-mods and senior-mods as it’s their job to handle the regular moderators. 3 months of experience means nothing if you don’t mentor someone well. And seeing that everyone is having issues with certain members of the new promo wave (a lot more than usual), I feel like this just reiterated my point.
Oh, so it has changed. I guess that makes sense considering the current amount of staff, however I agree with the point you made. That’s why I stand by my suggestion of a select group organized to train the newly promoted, or leave it to Sr. Mods+, which requires a new group of senior moderators to be promoted.
In my opinion, learning to become a moderator isn't a very hard task. New mods have mentors and can ask other staff questions if they need to. Although it could let the new promos get used to the position and not make as many mistakes. I'm neutral on this.
No. we cant do anything for a week anyways it's so we know stuff / get mentoring before we do it. We don't abuse if thats what your trying to say we need global moderators not chat mods. The server is already small..
Support. I'm going for mod as well, and I was going to ask if I needed to go through training when I applied.
That’s not what they meant fully, but the new mods are really jumpy in a way. I know you guys are doing your jobs, but you seem to roam seeking who you can warn and ban. This is a good quality, but taken too far, it’s annoying. Verbal warnings are always an option
I have said there needs to be a system where people who are maybe not quite ready for mod but nearly there can be trained into mods, rather than selecting people who are already ready. The workings of the staff team are fairly similar across servers when it comes to promotions; people that are selected are not given much prior training until they become staff and are expected by the community to instantly be ready. Rather than having staff trained once they get staff, have a "boot camp" type training for potential staff and those who show the necessary skills pass, then the rest can keep applying and do the "boot camp" again. This can be set up by using case studies from previous and handled cases, reports, ban appeals and videos. Then all other training of specific staff details can be done inside the team upon getting the mod role.