I saw this pop up in another thread. Adding trails that follow a player would be a good cosmetic perk for our donor ranks, and there are many free plugins out there for trails. Edit: This suggestion would be for every game mode.
Neutral. It is likely to cause a large amount of fps rape. Most people on here complain about the fireworks with mcmmo.
Very good idea, but it's not often that you're going to see multiple people just hanging around in the lobby unless they're AFK or something. The trails would be only in use for a few seconds before the player leaves the lobby to go to another game.
Don't know how I feel about this. Neutral due to the fact there could be so many donors using particles it could cause FPS lag for other users whose PC can't handle it. Unless there is an option to toggle the visibility for it.
It would be on all servers I have pretty bad fps lag and I was able to handle them, and you could also disable particles in Optifine.
Support, possibly a variety to the higher ranks? Or a color specific to the rank you have/bought, such as a blue trail for God, or green for Titan.
It could be various trails based on the particles in the game. You could choose from like fire, sparkles, and etc. I had music note particles on a server once. The higher ranks should get more trails, and you should be able to buy more of them on buycraft.
not everyone uses optfine though. nor does everyone have the same PC. You may be able run it, but others cannot.
That sounds pretty cool, also having the buycraft specific trails could bring in more money, just a little thing to keep the server going