Items for trade: Kitpvp: 2 p4 sets with depths strider and 100$ OpPvP: 2000$ OpFactions: 5mil ,5 sharp 5 axes, 2 swords (sharp 9 without kb),10 stacks of Gapples. Factions: 50k,1 stack of Sponges, 4 prot iv Sets and a few Swords. OpPrison: 27bil, Titan pickaxe, God Kit. ArcherPvP: 200$,1 enchanted diamond set(helm=p4,Unb3, Chestplate=Projectile prot 3, Leggings Projectile protect 4, unbr 3, Boots=Projectile Protection 4, Depthstrider 3, unb 3) Skyblock: 2 beacons