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  • trade zone / shop on sky block

    Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by pyrodraken, Dec 6, 2013.

    1. pyrodraken

      pyrodraken Active Member

      Dec 4, 2013
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      From Pyrodraken

      I have been playing your skyblock server for some time now and have noticed several problems...

      #1 The first problem i have noticed and had was the ability to trade. everyone likes to trade and help eachother out, however, and i mean no disrespect to any one, when trading it seems as if the trolls come out of no where and it is very difficult to trade when 10 gamers are surrounding you trying to take what ever you drop . i understand that there are a few islands near spawn with no gamers. i believe that iwould be great if trading station would be set up with a spawn point.

      #2 The second one is mre of a question rather than a suggestion. While flying around, which my rank permits no hacking involved , i noticed that there was a shop being built right next to spawn i was wondering if this was the creators doing and if so will it ever be open

      Thanks Pyrodraken
    2. so2315

      so2315 Experienced Member

      Oct 12, 2013
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      It would be nice for them to make sme sort of an adminshop, maybe even add more permissions (commands) for he defaults. :D

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