Alright, so I know a recent thread has been made on this, but in this thread I am going to include the thread comments. I am suggesting that on Creative, there should be /tptoggle. It is BEYOND annoying that poeple tp to me when I am building, and /plot deny (name) doesn't work for me as I share plots with people. If i am building and ask the player nicely to leave, they say no. This is annoying...oml. I understand that this could somehow (idrk) affect the staff with like the tpa commands, but then this is where you can add /tpo. This would bypass any of the tpa commands, and used for ONLY staff. (maybe fix /plot deny for people like me who share plots w/ other players) To add to this, I understand that the /marry commands are slightly new, but I think you should not have to request to divorce someone. I wanted to divorce someone, and they won't let me, so annoying omg. It's aggervating because you have noobs who just want to annoy you. please fix this
As a Titan I can verify the love for tp toggle. I support that permission for everyone. I do not want marrige on Creative. Soooo neutral