I don't know. But I was able to stay on for a minute and did /t and /town, and it's broken for me. I hope everyones town is good. @Deivid0ze
It looks like the area I logged off in is intact, so that's good? I never even knew towny came with a safe mode :o
i get it. well i got a problem at my towny. someone claim around my towny and i can't even expand. :(
Oh geez, if my items are gone again after this bug is fixed I'll be angry. And trust me, you won't like me when I'm angry. But then again, if its fixed and everything is gone, all is good.
Wait so is it getting fully reset? Are we going to lose our progress or is there just not enough information yet? Sorry, I seem to be living under a rock, though I understand what you guys are talking about since I tried to go online but got disconnected due to lag... @Shonal The town seemed intact, though.
Yea but the towny plugin had a rollback or something cause peoples plots are missing but not there actual builds so idk