As you know towny beta is a new gamemode which has the word "Beta" so @CypriotMerks You should care about all the new Towny suggestions Starting with this: Towny's Health glitch should be fix or added back. Towny should have rank kits: I personally know the eula well and studied it well since I owned 5 servers, they eula says that having rank kits for the first 2 weeks of a reset or a new gamemode is blacklistable but after you can add them. /ej for elite+ like other gamemodes. Please support because we really need it to get fixes and any other issues i would be editing it to add it.
I just hope Cyp can really bother to help RaxsCity unlock chests that were locked by a troller. It's extremely annoying that now we're unable to open the chests and we kind of just lost all our items. :L
Hey your from RaxsCity and issue the same thing <3 me too Someone locked the chest i had ingrediants the owner gave me to build the Cities farm and Bakery. <3
Well true it has many issues but before the reset staff should remember that they must return the rank kits after 1 or 2 weeks of the reset so its not pay to win or against the eula.
Yes, I'm from RaxsCity. I haven't logged on for a while because I'm quite annoyed that no one is actually making this effort to help like what? 20 plus players who have their chests locked in Towny... :L sigh. Unfortunately Cyp is on holiday.