I like McDonalds but I rarely visit starbucks, I go to costa (anouther big UK coffee shop) I like the lemonades ;p
when u live in Australia and the closest starbucks is 8.3km away I legit have never been able to have starbucks, but I have had boba tea if that helps my case
Starbucks... all the way. It's my new "mcmmo"! Seriously. Forget the Prison mcmmo, this is way better. If you have the gold card then you know what that number means. I have until July before I start losing stars so I am letting them rack up to see how high I can get it. Then it will be a few months of freebe's to enjoy! My absolutely favorite is the vanilla bean creme frappuccino with EXTRA powdered vanilla. Awesome! It has to be the powdered vanilla because the vanilla syrup just makes it taste too sweet and wrong. The powdered vanilla gives it an extra richness too. You're lucky if you were able to get one! They sold out in the first day in my area, which has about 15+ starbucks in the region. :( I hope they bring it back so I can check it out for myself. I think a lot were made incorrectly with way too much of the blue sour stuff. Wow! Pokemon fans watch out! I just found that Starbucks has a Pokemon GO Frappuccino! Gotta catch them all! ;) I know I'm going to be forced to go to Starbucks this weekend for sure to buy one for a good friend! Right @FlyingHorseRider? lol https://www.starbucks.com/menu/drinks/frappuccino-blended-beverages/pokemon-go-crème-frappuccino
We walked past a Starbucks in Melbourne and i really wanted to order something because it was my first time seeing a Starbucks but my friend didn't want to :(
You have to go back... give it a try. Let us know what you think. I would recommend any of the frappuccinos. If you don't like coffee then order a Creme frappuccino (many varieties) since they don't contain espresso. Its interesting, so much of the Starbucks' branding is based upon Herman Melville's book Moby Dick. I was wondering why the "mermaid" had two tails so looked in to it and found out she wasn't a mermaid but actually a Siren. Then at that point I realized there was more to the branding. I'm actually about 1/3 of the way through reading that book, but you know I do have to balance my time with reading and playing MineVerse. lol... And who was Starbucks? The chief mate of course. They almost named the store after the ship, the Pequod. I think they chose the better name. ;)
ok no mcdonalds only stuff from starbucks thats nice = all the teas (iced or hot), chai tea (iced is better), white chocolate mocha latte, strawberry frappuccino & java chip frappuccino . but caribou coffee has the best coffeee imo