Hey so I’ve had 9k recently taken off me, first of all ur wondering how I got 9k in 5 minutes after being unbanned? First of all it’s not my money it’s Doomdays money, it wasn’t farmed it was gotten by ranking up RoseGoldd from elite to supreme for 5k in game (Boobalyboo middle man). Before I got unbanned I had 1k, then doom gave me his 7k, 2k of his own and 5k of the rankup money. I then sold a s35 for 1k. Which made me have 10k, I wanted it for a short amount of while to be Baltop 1 but was going to pay back doom 7k of the balance, Thankyou for ur time i hope this decision gets re-considerd as a mistake into thinking I farmer on alt while banned but the money isn’t even mine, it’s shared between me and doomday. @Noobcrew @Boobalyboo
I personally think this is bull, and you were gonna keep the money. The 5k was zBuild's money from the rankup, but the 2k was believed to be farmed, or so i heard. I'm honestly tired of reconsidering all the time, you've been banned several times in the past 2 months and it's getting tiring having to reconsider every 2 days because you once again, screwed up. I'm sorry if this sounds harsh, but this is getting ridiculous.
Before I was banned I had 2k, and doom had 2k making 4K alltogether, doom then did a rankup for 5k, wanting to be Baltop I asked doom to pay me his money. The 9k you took isn’t mine it’s DOOMDAYs and he paid for rankups for that money, he just trusts me that’s why I was Baltop 1 position. The money isn’t farmed because doom got that money in the week I was banned. Pay it back to doomdays account if I want because it genuinely isn’t my money, I promise you.
Now you're making a new argument, In this screenshot, you said 'If I dont get my back' MY. On top of that, you also threatened to chargeback. Thats what I'm more focused on that your money. https://gyazo.com/a8c503a938a354c272d6421f691a99ec
I said that out of anger, who wouldn’t be angry their friend lost $20 and there money because thinking I got it in 5 minutes. Like I said pay all the money back to doomday because it’s not fair his money gets taken because of me.
Didn't you claim not to be Toastly in this thread here when asked you replied "Wasn't me" https://www.mineverse.com/threads/bought-a-unban-then-got-rebanned.145376/ Now that is you?
What are u taking about swift plus @doomdayyyy is online ask him urself I was just holding his money that he paid irl $ for. I didn’t alt farm anything.
well I know atleast 5k was legit, as it was my money lmao u can run ur background checks on me and see it wasn't farmed
Nounbanned that was a joke lmao just to piss you off and secondly zBuild is right the money is obtained legit. @Noobcrew
You're known for alt farming. You shouldnt get the money back, as it was probably from killing alts. You also lied http://prntscr.com/ntlscx , you said you werent alt farming. But yet you have numerous of bans for doing it.
I have 0 bans for alt farming LOL? I’ve never alt farmed before? But gl in proving it, all my money was obtained legit.