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  • To the mods.

    Discussion in 'Archive' started by TADS, Aug 27, 2015.

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    1. Ponyknight99

      Ponyknight99 Experienced Member

      Feb 19, 2015
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      Incorrect. Prin has plenty of mod experience, and the skill and attitude to back it up
    2. Alex

      Alex sweet roll Premium

      May 9, 2014
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      If they break the rules on purpose, we should know the appropriate actions to take so we don't look bad. That is what I am saying. We only look bad if we take the wrong actions.

      I agree that there are some trouble makers but we need to stop blaming the community for our mistakes.
    3. Jen

      Jen Well-Known Member

      Sep 21, 2014
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      If you guys have a problem with me, report me or PM me or another staff member about it. This is my last reply on this thread.
    4. jedijosiah

      jedijosiah Well-Known Member

      Jun 1, 2014
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      This isn't to be rude. This is the mods fight let them defend themselves is thread isn't for tearing them down its to show them what they are doing wrong. Don't defend them on this thread this battle is there's alone. We as a community are judging their reactions.
    5. SSMH

      SSMH Legendary Member

      Jun 30, 2014
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      To the Mods:
      This thread is a clear example of a player giving criticism towards Mods. Instead of defending yourselves, maybe reflect on what wrong you have done and not doing it again.
      Take it as constructive criticism, and not a hate thread.
      (Most of)You guys have the intention to help the community, but you do it in a way that we take it as you're offending us.

      To the community:
      You guys could write a PM to the Mods instead of dragging them down in a public thread. Yes, this is criticism and you want them to change, but maybe you could change yourselves as well?

      I'm not taking sides here, I prefer not to and I rather sit on the fence. This will be my only response to this thread.
    6. GizzBots

      GizzBots Well-Known Member

      Sep 17, 2014
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      Biased? How?

      I currently have players who I am good friends with banned. Heck, Eddy, who was my best friend on here and I've known the longest out of everyone is currently banned on like 3 or 4 accounts by me. Yeah, so bias.
    7. elrak

      elrak Legendary Member

      Jun 7, 2014
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      Gizzbots is actually pathetic on teamspeak, he sends screamers, tells me I'm nothing and no one would care if I got banned so he can just ban me like that. He's just simply abusive on teamspeak because apparently there's no rules on it.

      I got banned because my little brother WENT on the mic and spoke. Apparently I had a voice changer, it's just sad coming from Gizzbots. I had hope in him and all of that hope was lost.

      KingAlex is one of the weirdest choices Cypriot has ever made for a staff member, he's biased, doesn't think and just acts on what he thinks is 'right', basically a second Badlerner.
    8. ChloyyBear

      ChloyyBear Well-Known Member

      Jun 30, 2014
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    9. GizzBots

      GizzBots Well-Known Member

      Sep 17, 2014
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      Hi everyone,

      I know you're entitled to your opinion and all, but TADS, you only just got back. :p I'll start with what you've said about me.

      "The second example I have is Gizzbotts. In this case, Gizz is extremely biased towards his friends. All he seems to care about is Jolie. All his posts about it make it seem like he's in love her. If he had to make a ban on her, he probably wouldn't."

      Jolie, yes, is a dear friend of mine but because I have certain feelings for someone doesn't mean that I am incapable of doing my job? You could've at least provided examples of this(even though that I know of, there aren't many) to back up your statement. Me saying to someone "I miss you" does not mean in anyway that I am a bad moderator.. We're human. Let's think about this logically.

      What you're trying to say is that if someone applies for mod voluntarily that they aren't allowed to show general emotion in certain posts? That they're not allowed to care for someone and show that? That they're not allowed to have friends? I was just like you TADS at one stage. I had the same, ignorant view and quite frankly I think that my moderating experience opened my eyes to the amount that moderators do and what is expected of them.

      I don't see how me being friendly to people and overly friendly to some, such as Jolie who only plays MV with me can be seen as 'bias'. You can't actually state that I wouldn't make a ban on her as you wouldn't know. Here's an example. One of my dearest friends, EddyCottonSocks who I've known for over a year now and has been there for me in hard times is currently banned by me on about 4 of his accounts. You may say "why isn't he banned for ban evading", and all that, but we require written proof for this. Like physical evidence.

      I love Eddy. He's a great mate. I respect him and I wish him the best, but he's broken rules and he will pay the consequences. He's staying banned and he knows that. He may be close with me, but that doesn't mean I am not going to do what is expected of me simply over a friendship.

      If you still find me bias, then that's fine, but I know that I'm not. It's ok with others having their opinions, I just don't want it to affect my moderating ability. Now, I'll state my reply for the staff team.

      Mods are put under a lot of pressure from the community in general and what is expected of them. I have witnessed this, and I understand how stressful it can be. Threads such as this do not help. I'm not sure if you're trying to help, but unless you're providing constructive criticism, these stress us more. I really hope everyone understands this, or at least some of you get the message, but moderating isn't easy. It's hard to hand out punishments considering that the rules aren't exactly clearly defined. It would help if they were, and if certain punishments were outlined or a newer guide was made that we could follow a lot more closely. The problem is, some situations are circumstantial and we have to deal with this in our own way. It may be hard to understand this, but I'm sure you get what I mean.

      I harassed you on TS? lol. You joined the channel expecting to be able to talk as much smack and treat us on TS like you do on the forums when a lot of them people are from SB, and I put you in your place. That was literally all it was. It was a conversation. It's Teamspeak DJ, don't come on there if you can't handle talking through voice to someone. You always had the option to move channels but instead you decided to stay and attempt to stir the channel. Yeah, no.

      Again, lol. Elrak, you come on Teamspeak and stir up trouble for yourself. There's rules on Teamspeak and you constantly break them. That's why you're banned. That's the only reason you're ever banned. Coming on Teamspeak and telling people to kill themselves in ways that you think is 'funny' and think give you the ability to evade punishment is not ok. I've said this to you many times, and I and a fair few people on teamspeak aren't going to put up with your stuff. It's to the point that when the staff channels were removed we asked you to leave the channel so we could talk and you refused. I messaged Terrick and asked for him to move us or something temporarily, and he simply asked why. After I explained that you refused and were harassing us, he told me to literally ban you.

      You've sent me my dox through teamspeak. There's one rule broken that could have you perm banned and yet I let you be? Yeah elrak, I'm so abusive. You're right. Hey, remember that time that you and Jaimee got into a huge argument despite you telling her and others to 'kill themselves'? You both received equal punishment even though you antagonized her.

      Your little brother? You're still intending on lying to everyone? You couldn't even speak at the same time as him to prove it. Everyone in the channel, including myself could tell it was a voice changer. When I asked your 'brother' where you were, you(pretending to be your 'brother') said that 'Elrak' was well.. Yeah.
    10. TADS

      TADS Guest

      My bad, I forgot @PopIs_MyLife who simply can't stand criticism. I've laid out the facts about a few members, I could go on for hours about this. Maybe you should try listening to the players.

      Rating this thread old isn't going to get you anywhere. It's facts. Half of he staff team is what I said above, some of them are inactive, and it's so bad. Now I know I'm taking a huge risk here, but damn... I would've thought the staff would have improved when I got back.
    11. TADS

      TADS Guest

      @Pile_of_Butts can you and Zambina fix the staff team for me? And everyone else's sake...
    12. SteamAddictKid

      SteamAddictKid Active Member

      May 23, 2014
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    13. TADS

      TADS Guest

    14. SteamAddictKid

      SteamAddictKid Active Member

      May 23, 2014
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    15. SteamAddictKid

      SteamAddictKid Active Member

      May 23, 2014
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      "You have been banned"

      I received that ban 2-5 days after reporting @12323emily then 2-5 days later "Banned"
    16. emxly_x

      emxly_x Well-Known Member

      Aug 20, 2014
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      Wait.. So if you were "Banned" why are you ban evading on this account of yours?
    17. SteamAddictKid

      SteamAddictKid Active Member

      May 23, 2014
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      To find out why the hell I was banned.

      I only got banned 2-5 days AFTER reporting YOU.

      Clearly all you care about is getting rid of me *sighs* like every damn mod.
    18. BlackZone

      BlackZone Boss Member

      Aug 23, 2014
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      Exactly right I can not find a reason to disagree with these things especially the biased moderators
    19. PopIs_MyLife

      PopIs_MyLife Legendary Member

      Jul 22, 2014
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      I think you need to chill
    20. TADS

      TADS Guest

      I could, but it's the same thing over and over, and it never gets fixed.
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