I will be linking a plugin which could do so there is no scamming possible on Kitpvp2 and also kitpvp and Op pvp and all other servers i just want it most on kitpvp2 since that is my main server https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/trading.1203/
Full support. Too bad people can apparently duplicate items with plugins like this... Features: Spoiler Get within 10 blocks of a player and request a trade. If the player accepts, an Inventory GUI will open. Place the items you want to trade in your section and have the other player place theirs. Once ready, click the green wool to indicate you are ready. Once the both players have done so, a 5 second countdown will begin where no players can change the traded items. If you have second thoughts, cancel the trade by clicking the red wool. If you both like the selection of items, leave the inventory alone until the countdown is over. Both players will receive their traded items at the exact same time. Trading has never been more fair, safe, or easy. More features: CountdownLength - Set this number to the time in seconds to wait before completing a trade. Distance - Max distance of a trade (Set to -1 for no distance. Trades will still not work across different worlds). TradeCurrency - Set it to either 'true' or 'false'. If enabled (set to 'true'), the plugin will actively search for an economy plugin using Vault. If the economy plugin is found, all of the economy features of the plugin will be enabled if the TradeCurrencyAmount is greater than 0. TradeCurrencyAmount - The amount of money increments to add or subtract by on trades. When a player adds money to the trade, the money added is by this amount. TradeInCreative - When set to false, trading while in Creative mode is disabled. ShiftRightClick - When set to true, trades can be initiated and accepted by holding shift and right clicking a player. Messages - Replace the messages with your own. Item-Names - Replace the name with your own custom names (inventory must be under 32 characters). Item-Lores - Replace the messages with your own custom lores. Add more and more lines to it to add more and more messages to the lore.
I play a server with this plugin and there doesn't seem to be any problems. But I don't know, the playerbase on this server tend to hack/exploit a lot.
I support the idea Although, I once played another server with that same plugin, and players somehow duplicated items.
The completed version is much more appealing. It's a nice plugin but those extra benefits that aren't implemented yet might make it even better.