Hi and welcome to the mod app :t: the Title explains the rest. IRL name: Brandon Christian, non-believer etc: Christian ofc Dream: To be trump Favorite show: Sword art online (season 1)or Attack on titan Heaven or hell? Heaven Angels/ghost? angels, not ghost's Spoiler: Favorite youtubers RoYaL or Yhiita Spoiler: food/Drink Favorite food: Pizza Favorite fast food: Five guys Least favorite food: Chicken and enchoki :eek:(makes me throw up) Least favorite fast food: Krystal :eek: Favorit drink: Dr.Pepper or milk Least favorite drink: Water (cause it has no taste) Spoiler: Top 3 sports Favorite: Soccer (Fifa: Germany) 2. Football (NFL: Patriots) 3. Basketball (NBA: Orlando Magic ofc)/SPOILER] Spoiler: Extra random info about me State: Florida City: Orlando (30 mins from pulse :eek::L ) Age: 12 Height: 4' 9 (excactly average) Weight 86 (about 6 lbs underweight