Your ingame name: WiB_kyleh2232 The offender's exact ingame name: Tjmbeast A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacking. Using nametags. Evidence throughout the post. Evidence/full screenshots. He is hacking because of nametags. You can see in this video of him recording a hacker, He has got the players nametag size increased, And has exact health on the side. At the end of the video, You are able to see players nametags through the castle. You are unable to do this in a regular minecraft client. Here is the evidence that he has used the hack nametags at the end: You are unable to see other players health in red, And have the players name enlarged. Here is more evidence on the nametag hack. I believe i have enough proof to get this player banned. Thanks for your time.
I just figured out he is using hacks in all of his videos. Look at them. They ALL have nametags. Here you go: He is litterally using triggerbot and nametags in all of his videos.
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread has been moved to Reports - Banned.