This is an idea that can be known by its tital Titan Support, it is for all servers not only lobby. Why Titan support: Because Titans get many abilities that they can help people with, they have the prefix [The Titan Support] and they only have their titan abilities. How do you get to be a part of the team? Me GGs_ and the senior mods will interview the most active titans so that they can be a part of the team. What do we consider? Your daily activity, how do you use your rank, previous month's bans and your personalitty. What do they do? They use their abilities to help people but also they answer peoples questions.
No support. -it's not needed, plus it would just confuse newer players. -titans can answer people's questions without a title being involved.
Because I have experience with what players want in a person who can help them and senior mods because they are trustable with everything.
No support. - I think you're too title hungry... Other helpful people can fill the spot, don't limit it to just you, although you may have come up with the idea - So... donate to get a chance to get a fancy tag that marks you as a helpful person? No...
Lets forget about the title but we can be added to a commad called /gamehelp whenever someone uses it he will get to a list like /staff and /friends, but not only that but people would be interviewed any active player who wants to help a server with less oportunities than mod or to get ready for the oportunities of mod he can be interviewed
No support, every server that you're involved in you have to take it to the next level and think that you get to do anything you want. What I am basically saying is that you seem very self centered and you always ask for a rank every time you help out a server
Why would we need this? If players are inclined to help other players then they will do it without the need for a prefix, why would we need to bribe players with a prefix. Also why would this just be limited to titans? This sounds like a helper rank only able to be applied for by titans. Please do not take this the wrong way but the point about it being a step before becoming a mod, what qualifies you to interview possible future mods? If a player genuinely wants to help other players out then they may deserve a thanks every no and again but command's, prefixes and permissions are something they don't need. Sorry but no support.
No support. I don't see this being needed. Titans can help on their own if they want, this just seems like someone who wants power and a title without having to apply for mod and do all of the things mods have to do. Also, the whole you and the senior mods, if a new rank were to be implemented it would do with the staff team and head mods, not a player. I just feel like they should help without a title.
I'd say that's slightly bias towards people who aren't Titan then, right? I myself am only MVP, yet I help out as much as possible. Does that mean that I wouldn't be allowed to be a "helper" or "support" person? I see that as quite unfair. No support. Also, what abilities are you even talking about when you state that they can use their "Titan abilities" to assist fellow players? They have the exact same ability to help as I do being an MVP...
No support. It seems as if it's a biased selection, with you on the selection committee. If I was your friend, you would probably accept me right away.