I understand that a lot of people who are either donors or lower than titan really want those op kits that titans have. Since I recently won to voter and was promoted to the rank of titan, I would like to aid others that don't have as much as me. I will be giving out FREE titan kits on most servers. Post below what server you want a titan kit on. *Remember, there is a 24 hour cooldown, so I can't give two people kit titan on factions in one day. Servers you can get my kit on Always Kitpvp Prison Factions Skyblock Hellblock Survival Skywars Opprison Sometimes Oppvp Infection Skygrid Opfactions Commands that I will do free /heal /fix /enchant Etc
Congratz on titan!! Anyway, I might need fix on kitpvp sometimes, but I've paid romar 100 for that. I love what you're doing <3