Hey guys it's me OfficallyUnknown, and today I will be trying to help you guys with something that has been on Kit-pvp, and has been making us all mad. The are some players that know how to have god mode, and they can just trap you in the tower, and kill you. My friend told me about this yestrday when there was a God mode player, you could heal the god mode player (Unfortunately only Titans, and staff could use this command), and he'll lose the god mode, and just kill him. Now players could ask titans to heal him, and the players could kill the God mode hacker. This is just a solution to this problem. Hope I helped you!
This does work, but they just keep coming back :( I get the feeling that they're all the same person, so @CypriotMerks could IP ban them.
I think the problem is that anyone can use it if they download a hacked client and go creative or God mode.
They could be, but an IP ban won't work. The server is on a proxy, so if you IP ban one person, you ban everyone online.
I have never seen, or heard of a 'God Mode' hacker. How is this possible, how can you ever have god mode? I thought the servers Anti-Cheat was a little better than that!
There needs to be an actual fix for this instead of a way to kill them because titans only get heal once every 5 minutes and a god mode hacker could just reset his hacks after he/she is healed
My /heal as a titan only works every 5 minutes, I know what you mean but instead of this why not put a better anti cheat plugin in?
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