Hey guys c: so as some of you know i've been slightly inactive. I would not like to put in the reasons below as they always make me tear up stating them. ( There have been more added to the list ) So, resulting to this is that I am taking a break. Please do not say that i'm looking for attention, this is probably my last day here in a while. I'll possibly come back in a month or so. This break will not be as large as my last one ( Which was about a year or so ) Ill stay on for like 20 minutes or so rn so say your goodbyes n stuff. -@LlamaHoe you were always my favorite
Goodbye and good luck with whatever you are dealing with (Even though we don't really know each other, good luck )
I will miss you so much, Tina. We have fun and amazing memories together, It's hard to see you leave me but life goes on. I hope you forgive me for what I did. :( Good luck.