I don't know what my timezone on here is, but it is definitely not right. Can someone change it to Eastern US/Canada?
I have it on my correct UTC timezone, but it definitely doesn't show right on the forums. Oh well. I don't think mods can fix this, but they might be able to help you out in selecting the correct timezone
I know...I just want to point out that I am having the same problem. Some awesome mods that can help you are @Firo3000 @Grayson @canucksfan44 One of them should be with you soon now that they are notified
Every mod should be experienced. Why do you think they put "Have you had any las experience of been Moderator?" And "How long have you been playing Mineverse?" In the mod app template XD
Has this been resolved? If I do not get a reply I will archive this within 48h. If you disagree with that, report this post and a staff member will unarchive.
I believe he is talking about the fact that the forums are under the timezone of the Greenwich Mean time zone (UTC+00:00).