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  • TiggyX19's 4th mod application

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by TiggyX13, Sep 2, 2014.

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    1. TiggyX13

      TiggyX13 Active Member

      Jul 22, 2014
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      Before I start I would like to thank you Noobcrew and Cypriot for making this amazing, friendly, Happy and helpful Server. I would like to apply for Moderator not only to ban people. I would like to help out the server a lot. Being a Moderator is a Huge and responsible job, and I think I would be ready.
      How old are you?
      I am 10, my B-Day is 2/3/4
      Your in-game name:
      My in-game name is, ThePLCookie.
      What timezone are you in?
      PDT (Pacific daylight time)
      What country do you live in?
      United States of America.
      What languages do you speak?
      I speak, English, Spanish, and a bit Chinese.
      Why do you think you should become a mod?
      Dear Cypriot,
      I would like to be a Moderator because, I try to say Hi, hello or Hey to anyone to be helpful. I am a kind and behaved, mature person. I also would like to be a moderator because I know its a massive job and I think I would be ready. I would be ready to help and change the Mineverse server. I am a great helpful person. I try to help people that need help in any situation. I am mature, my grammar is good. I think I should get Moderator because I would make it a community that helps them selfs and others.
      Mature. I am a very Mature person I behave all the time I am Serious in Serious situations. I am also Mature because i'm never angry at anyone and be rude.
      Helpful. I am a very helpful person, when I see someone that needs help I try my best to help them. On the forums I try to help them as much as I can if I know how to. I made a thread if anyone needs help just ask me, I really am helpful.
      Sensible. I am a very Sensible person, I don't mack about or any of these things. I am a very, very behaved person. I don't argue at all. In any Situations.
      Friendly. I am a very Friendly person. Since I joined I made loads of friends because I am very mature, funny and helpful. I am friendly because I am nice and kind to people I don't treat them like trash. I try to make friends with as many people as possible. I try not to get in an Argument.
      Honor. I apply for Moderator because, I have the honor to do it. I would give this Server honor not only, Honor. I am a very Good person in banning. I was a moderator on a different server for 1 year and I could easily spot a hacker now.
      Trustworthy. I am a very Trustworthy person because, I trust people and if they let me down I still trust them. I don't lie because I absolutely hate lying.
      Rules. I read the rules, and I follow the rules sometimes. Thats why I sometimes got banned, I don't hack because that is the most Stupidest thing Invented.
      Active. I am very active, I will try to be on every day online on Mineverse ready to help out the Community. Unless I have to go somewhere out with my family.

      I also would like to be a Moderator because I love being on Mineverse, also if I was accepted I would always look at reports and be looking at ban appeals and be most of the time on the forums and in-game trying to help out the Friendly Mineverse Community. I also would like to be a moderator because I am very Sensible, I really do think I would be a great moderator, because I really appreciate all the stuff that Moderators do. I would like to do it to.
      Also I would like to be a mod because, I would help out a server a lot. When there is no mod online I would be there. I know Moderators have life's to so when they are out I am ready to do my duty. (Not by meaning poop :p)

      I would also like to be a moderator because I know people would love a knew moderator and I would do a great job, because I am organized and I would write down every person I banned to see what they did and what questions to ask them in their appeal.

      Also I think I should be a moderator because, Its a hard job. I really like the fact that it really takes you to a lvl that people start to ask you questions, I love to answer questions. Anyway I would like to be mod because I have the braveness to, if you get mod theres no way of going back, I really thought twice before making this mod app.
      How long can you be active on the server everyday?
      Mondays~Fridays 2-6Hours
      Saturdays-Sundays 3-7Hours
      How long have you been playing Mineverse?
      I have played long, and I learned loads of stuff about Mineverse.
      I have been playing for about nearly a month now.
      Do you have any past experience as a moderator?
      Yes I do. As I said on Why do you think you should become Moderator? I have been on a different server. A small server every day 100 people joined? Maybe 110. Anyway. I have been on that Server Moderator 1Year and I easily can spot hackers.
      Not on the Template Questions.
      This is where I put my own questions.
      What will you give the Mineverse Community?
      I would not only give it a friendly, kind and respectful player. But more time to look at reports. I noticed a report that hasn't been answered by a Moderator since 5 days! And I would fix that problem. If a moderator wouldn't be online I would.
      Whats you're knowledge of Minecraft?
      In minecraft I am good at loads of stuff, Building, Coding, Selling stuff (Not telling the secret ingredient :)) I am great at finding new friends on Minecraft. I am good at seeing if they are hackers or not, because I know loads of people just want to report players because the player killed them, and I would see if he was hacking or not. I'm also good at Time' in because when I get no alerts and a report comes out I try to look if the player is hacking.
      Why did you pick to be a Moderator?
      I apply for Moderator because, I really want to help out the community and ban all the players that have ruined the server, Hacking, advertising, spamming etc. I think I will really do good for the job because, I am really a friendly normal player trying to help out the great, friendly community of Mineverse, but just make it a little better.
      How can we trust you?
      You can trust me because, if you saw me in some threads I have really been helping out and being kind on the forums. I think people got my trust and I really want to be a helpful, kind and trustworthy person until I die. I've been mostly on the forums to help out people and try to make their life better.
      How will you care for the Community?
      I would really care for the Community, I will be always friendly, be Polite, I will not be immature, I will always be mature, I will be, kind and be very fun person. :) Also I wouldn't treat the Community like trash, I will every day look at the Help forum and see who needs help, and how to help him.

      Very Kind Regards,
    2. Glaadiator

      Glaadiator Boss Member

      Jan 21, 2014
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      Do not make duplicate applications.

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