If anyone is still watching this forum the TD game is fully playable, but not very enjoyable if you don't know how to play.
Now that I have researched /scoreboard I have made a new tic-tact-toe game. It can tell if there is a draw or if someone wins. It can also correctly do the squares. (fire arrows in the center of the squares to "move" in the spot) However, I have mixed up the scoreboard stuff, so now it will say you won when you didn't. If you see with, please place a block in the middle of the last placed square, and post a screenshot of the entire board, and the win/lose stuff (see the pictures below) Here is an example:
Here is the link again so you won't have to find it again on pg. 2 :D https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ldlk6ygoqsik2vo/AAAXRyh9jtSHB9XZwLa2XzQra?dl=0
It'd be cool if you added some particle effects when some one wins, (/particle ) may be the one of happy villager if you win and you could put the red particle effect if you loose, /particle ain't difficult to use so try adding it ;)