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  • Threats/Disrespect [UUID][Fry]

    Discussion in 'Reports: Banned' started by Janice, Oct 6, 2015.

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    1. Janice

      Janice Retired Admin | Max's Mentee Premium

      Sep 10, 2015
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      A guy who I have encountered numerous times on skywars has kept on calling people "noob","hacker", and/or threatens them by saying that he will hack them. He is also disrespectful and shows no sportsmanship. (At least from what I have seen).

      My ign: janice999
      His ign: doofus01
      Reason: Disrespectful, Threats
      Evidence: http://imgur.com/bjU8WH2
      I have only gotten one picture as of now. Sorry if it isn't enough evidence. I will try to gain more.

      Thank you.
    2. Max

      Max Janice's Mentor Premium

      Apr 16, 2014
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      Due to a UUID issue on this server we are not able to ban the player at this time.
      I do apologize and can assure you that we are working towards a solution.

      In the meantime while we are fixing this issue I can tell you that uploading the evidence as soon as possible is key to being able to ban the player before the player data is lost. I am not sure how long the time span is before the glitch happens and the player's data is lost, but I know I have been able to retrieve the player data up to 6 hours after the player has logged offline.

      I assure you that I will try my best to get to the reports as soon as they are posted and again apologize for the issues and not being able to take action.
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